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Posts tagged with cooking


Shiromi Mentai - close-up - Shira Nui AUD5.50 eachShiromi Mentai - close-up - Shira Nui AUD5.50 each by avlxyz (cc by-sa)

Omnomnom asks, Every time I go nuts about food, it involves umami. Can you be a chef in my imaginary themed restaurant and create a two- or three course feast to let me revel in umami?

by taz

It's Alimentary, My Dear Watson

Cooking & EatingCooking & Eating by ☼☼Jo Zimny Photos☼☼ (cc by-nc-nd)

A digest of recent food culture posts on Mefi:

The Food Timeline, evolution of foods dating back to before 17,000BC ⏳; Maria Orosa, Filipina food technologist, chemist, humanitarian, war hero 👩🏽‍🔬; The D.C. Region Doesn’t Have Full-Time Food Critics of Color. Why That Matters 📰; Archeology of Taste is a project about childhood memories 🍭; Consider the potato: How do you prefer yours? 🥔; The Food Flow Model, a web of connections across the continental U.S. 🚚; What Makes Good Comfort Food? A LitHub conversation 🍝; The most taxing work in the kitchen is brain work 🧠Iceland’s last McDonald’s burger simply won’t rot, even after 10 years 🍔.

by taz

In the Kitchen

Awesome Sauce

Knoblauchmayonnaise. AioliKnoblauchmayonnaise. Aioli by marcoverch (cc by)

Looking for dead simple sauces I can make by stirring things together: in Ask Metafilter, CiaoMela asks for your easiest, no-hassle recipes.

by taz

The Very Model of a Modern Major Baker

I'm putting money on Major Clanger to reach the finals roger ackroyd

In FanFare, Major Clanger has been making recipes from this season of GBBO, check it out: Cake Week; Biscuit Week; Bread Week; Dairy Week.

by taz

My Pad or Yours?

Cooking authentic Pad Thai in BangkokCooking authentic Pad Thai in Bangkok by ToastyKen (cc by)

People think they want authentic Thai food until they're eating unrefrigerated squirrel gristle salad made with partially rotted paddy crabs and fermented fish sauce. All of a sudden the gentrified stuff seems pretty appetizing. Eat what you enjoy!

Fascinating insights from telf on Thai nationalism, Pad Thai, the question of authenticity and "the concept of Thainess" in smoke's interesting post about the history of Pad Thai.

by taz

"Deliciousify my rice"

Mayo, the inside scoop

rolls royce mayonnaiserolls royce mayonnaise by jules:stonesoup (cc by)

Alright. I've been a high end cook/chef and I've also worked for as 'Big Mayo' a company as you can in the world. I know mayo inside and out - from making it in small batches, to mass production and sourcing, to which demographics and some indication as to 'why' those demographics buy it ...

Nanukthedog shares a generous dollop of knowledge.

by taz

Really love your peaches ...

Plate with sliced peachesPlate with sliced peaches by wuestenigel (cc by)

Pull up a chair and sit down, as EmpressCallipygos 'splains what to do with millions of peaches (or other produce)

Elsewhere on our plate:

Salad Fight! | 1,500 year old New Mexican beans | An Alphabet of international bread recipes | Reclaiming Canadian indigenous cuisine | As Muslim-American as bean pie | We all scream for ... mayo ice cream? | Sugartime by Ruby Tandoh | Forgotten Southern Recipes | An illustrated compendium of Chinese baos | Verbing the taco | The story of Chop Ayam

And finally, for those of us less culinarily evolved, have we even been opening our cans the wrong way?

by taz

Corelle stories

Butterfly Gold Corelle VintageButterfly Gold Corelle Vintage by Vintage19Something (cc by)

Did your family have Corelle dishes? "All those memories in the little things like cups and place mats and jelly jars."

Posts for yer Piehole

EatEat by Thomas Hawk (cc by-nc)

Recently served on Mefi:

Making 4,000-year-old stew | Wiki-Food and (mostly) Women | Let's Cook History vids | Epicurious asked 50 people to do some basic kitchen prep work and filmed the mayhem | Thinking about Chicken tenders | Donug‽ | The popular Budget Bytes recipe collection / blog | Bowl food | A Taste of South Sudan | The Weird and Wavy History of Wine Coolers | Feelings about cottage cheese

by taz

Stress Rx

Happiness in your handsHappiness in your hands by MamiGibbs (cc by-nc-nd)

Bella Donna has assembled a collection of ideas for cheering ourselves up a bit when we're feeling sad or stressed.

by taz

M-F Meals Master List?

Want to play?Want to play? by Mi Mitrika (cc by-nc-nd)

What do you have for dinner that you make yourself in a relatively short amount of time and/or with relatively little effort? Help us figure out a variety of dinners to put on a meal-planning list!

Mrs. Pterodactyl is looking for a master list of recipes for convenient weeknight dinners (seafood and finny friends need not apply!)

by taz

Kitchen Confidential: regional tips and tricks?

Spices from GujaratSpices from Gujarat by Sudhamshu (cc by-nc)

I grew up in an ethnically North Indian household and a lot of that cooking involved the same basic curry structure: sauté onions with cumin seeds, then add in sliced ginger and garlic, then turmeric powder, then your main item (e.g., chicken, cauliflower), then tomato paste, then salt & pepper. My mom talked about how the combination of ginger, garlic, tomato, and onion provided a simple contrast of tangy and sweet that made dishes dynamic and pleasing. mrmanvir

Mumimor asks for simple tricks or methods from cooking styles across the World.

by taz

Tuck In

Afternoon Tea Paskeston Hall, PembrokeshireAfternoon Tea Paskeston Hall, Pembrokeshire by Hippy-dippy

Food and drink from the Mefi larder: Can't find the ingredient you're missing from your native cuisine? Try these immigrant food substitutions. What should we do with our leftovers? The ingenuity of meatloaf. If you don't have leftovers for lunch, enjoy packed lunches from around the world.

How can I feed my picky child? A reassuring answer.

Washing in milk, historic mealtimes, and why food was served cold to the rich, explained in unexpected facts about everyday life in the past.

Let's get serious about tea or go to Kentucky for a tour guide to bourbon country.

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