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Posts tagged with cooking

Stress Rx

Happiness in your handsHappiness in your hands by MamiGibbs (cc by-nc-nd)

Bella Donna has assembled a collection of ideas for cheering ourselves up a bit when we're feeling sad or stressed.

by taz

M-F Meals Master List?

Want to play?Want to play? by Mi Mitrika (cc by-nc-nd)

What do you have for dinner that you make yourself in a relatively short amount of time and/or with relatively little effort? Help us figure out a variety of dinners to put on a meal-planning list!

Mrs. Pterodactyl is looking for a master list of recipes for convenient weeknight dinners (seafood and finny friends need not apply!)

by taz

Kitchen Confidential: regional tips and tricks?

Spices from GujaratSpices from Gujarat by Sudhamshu (cc by-nc)

I grew up in an ethnically North Indian household and a lot of that cooking involved the same basic curry structure: sauté onions with cumin seeds, then add in sliced ginger and garlic, then turmeric powder, then your main item (e.g., chicken, cauliflower), then tomato paste, then salt & pepper. My mom talked about how the combination of ginger, garlic, tomato, and onion provided a simple contrast of tangy and sweet that made dishes dynamic and pleasing. mrmanvir

Mumimor asks for simple tricks or methods from cooking styles across the World.

by taz

Tuck In

Afternoon Tea Paskeston Hall, PembrokeshireAfternoon Tea Paskeston Hall, Pembrokeshire by Hippy-dippy

Food and drink from the Mefi larder: Can't find the ingredient you're missing from your native cuisine? Try these immigrant food substitutions. What should we do with our leftovers? The ingenuity of meatloaf. If you don't have leftovers for lunch, enjoy packed lunches from around the world.

How can I feed my picky child? A reassuring answer.

Washing in milk, historic mealtimes, and why food was served cold to the rich, explained in unexpected facts about everyday life in the past.

Let's get serious about tea or go to Kentucky for a tour guide to bourbon country.

Hungry, Lazy, Busy, Zombies? Shelf Food FTW.

029/365+1029/365+1 by meaganmakes (cc by-nc)

Your fridge is [mostly] empty. You're too lazy to drive to the grocery store, but not too lazy to stay in and cook: Kitchen Pantry Cooking Challenge Ask Me thread is there for you.

(See also: Shopping-averse cook seeks pantry-friendly recipes, and what to eat when you are waiting out the zombie apocalypse)

by taz

"I rehab and sell collectible cast iron on eBay"

Black Bean BurgersBlack Bean Burgers by C. VanHook Images (vanhookc) (cc by)

Over on Ask MetaFilter, mudpuppie's advice on what to look for when purchasing an old cast iron skillet is filled with great tips.

by mathowie

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