Corelle stories
Butterfly Gold Corelle Vintage by Vintage19Something (cc by)
Did your family have Corelle dishes? "All those memories in the little things like cups and place mats and jelly jars."
Butterfly Gold Corelle Vintage by Vintage19Something (cc by)
Did your family have Corelle dishes? "All those memories in the little things like cups and place mats and jelly jars."
honour the immigrant by byronv2 (cc by-nc)
I'm a trustee of the (tiny) BritCits campaign group and charity which works on behalf of divided families, includes spouses, civil partners, parents and children, elderly dependants etc.
Plep comments to add context, further info and lots of links in the UK Thomas Podgoretsky deportation case post: 1, 2, 3
Afternoon Tea Paskeston Hall, Pembrokeshire by Hippy-dippy
Food and drink from the Mefi larder: Can't find the ingredient you're missing from your native cuisine? Try these immigrant food substitutions. What should we do with our leftovers? The ingenuity of meatloaf. If you don't have leftovers for lunch, enjoy packed lunches from around the world.
How can I feed my picky child? A reassuring answer.
Washing in milk, historic mealtimes, and why food was served cold to the rich, explained in unexpected facts about everyday life in the past.
Let's get serious about tea or go to Kentucky for a tour guide to bourbon country.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.