Well shit, that's cool!
Tired of those AI summaries when using Google search? Well, getting rid of them is really fucking simple!
Tired of those AI summaries when using Google search? Well, getting rid of them is really fucking simple!
In Ask Metafialter, doift asks about the best sandwiches you have ever made or eaten.
Night at Thar Dessert by Navaneeth Kishor (cc by)
Penguin pie has a nice list in answer to Vatnesine's question "What is the Simple Life, as distinct from the American Life?"
Knoblauchmayonnaise. Aioli by marcoverch (cc by)
Looking for dead simple sauces I can make by stirring things together: in Ask Metafilter, CiaoMela asks for your easiest, no-hassle recipes.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.