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Posts tagged with tv

dressed to kill time

If that is 'Provia' I'm afraid to try 'Velvia'If that is 'Provia' I'm afraid to try 'Velvia' by Voxphoto (cc by-nc-nd)

Pajamas, pyjamas, shorts, jorts, leggings, jeggings, capris, tees, scrubs and sweats ... forever? Mefites are discussing the unravelling of the US fashion industry.

Meanwhile, in Fanfare, people are talking about The Umbrella Academy second season, the first episode of Star Trek, Lower Decks, Tamsyn Muir's book, Harrow the Ninth, the 1955 film The Night of the Hunter, and the "You're Wrong About" podcast Disco Demolition Night, among other things.

by taz

The Very Model of a Modern Major Baker

I'm putting money on Major Clanger to reach the finals roger ackroyd

In FanFare, Major Clanger has been making recipes from this season of GBBO, check it out: Cake Week; Biscuit Week; Bread Week; Dairy Week.

by taz

These Kids Bring Honor to Us All

Hua Mulan screenshot

...this is kinda amazing. i do not know who made this or how but somehow i am glad it exists. aielen

cubby has posted Hua Mulan, a rather amazing, quirky "live action version of Mulan, with a cast of quite talented child actors," and LEGO Damashii spotted the side-by-side with the Disney version. Great stuff!

by taz

TV chitchat hour

Ban ‘Killer Robots’ Before It’s Too LateBan ‘Killer Robots’ Before It’s Too Late by wackystuff (cc by-sa)

Do you have opinions about the best TV theme songs? Bring 'em over here.

"There are some questions of Muppet ontology that resist easy answers."

The MuppetsThe Muppets by tracilawson (cc by)

You're old enough now, it's time we had the talk: where do Muppets come from?

Grab bag

Two SealsTwo Seals by Wootang01 (cc by-nd)

quiet coyote asks, My sweet old dog loves blankets, can she learn to tuck herself in? (Yes she can.)

thebrokedown says, I need some sweet nice tv shows to soothe my election-weary soul.

Join Mefi's intrepid geographic puzzlehounds in the ongoing thread working on this weekly map quiz.

Huron Bob's tale of unlikely skill, how I crushed a movie star in ping pong

mumimor wants to know all about making your own bacon, sausage, etc. at home.

Are you hungry for hollandaise? Get your recipes here for election breakfast, with bonus terrible joke.

Food mysteries: 7 Minutes of Madness asks, Do you pour soup on pies?

Did you know that Disney ghosts dance backward?


Nam June Paik - Megatron MatrixNam June Paik - Megatron Matrix by Ryan Somma (cc by)

How did that bizarre avant garde show get broadcast, anyway? Mefi's own Dean 358 worked with pioneering video artist Nam June Paik, and explains how Paik's personal charm and enthusiasm got the art made and on the air. "...getting access to video equipment in the 1980s was a really big deal. Video edit suites took up lots of space and cost millions of dollars to build and operate. Getting access to a satellite...well, absolutely unthinkable."

Behind the camera

Maria Frostic - Main Iceberg LagoonMaria Frostic - Main Iceberg Lagoon by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (cc by)

How fake is fake in nature documentaries? sciatrix on why scientists stage photos of their mice, and ChuraChura reveals that butterflies love pee.

What should I watch, from a huge archive of Russian films? gusottertrout recommends some movies: "One of the great pleasures of watching Soviet cinema is seeing the differences in attitude towards common film tropes."

The real work of fake tears - pseudostrabismus tells us what it takes to film a movie scene with two actors crying: "Frankly it's a wonder actors can cry at all."

Where do tv chyrons come from? Jahaza explains who decides which words appear on screen during news broadcasts.


SNAP00078SNAP00078 by froussecarton (cc by-nc)

pjsky's post I'm Buffy and You're History discusses the Slayer as a "role model for the modern feminist" (plus the show's intersection of feminism, pop culture and rock, and Buffy-inspired diy feminist queer pop band "The Potentials"). Mefites might have a few opinions.

by taz

Come riff away

umbrellasumbrellas by Nasir Nasrallah (cc by)

What do you get when you mash up popular movie/book/etc titles? Instant classics like 12 Angry Monkeys, or Rashomonsters, Inc., or Das Booty Call, or Gorillas in the Mister Bean, and so many more. Come pitch your hot new media project here!

Also: (cough) alphabet thread (cough).

Insider looks at starting a print magazine and producing a live TV show

publishingpublishing by sam_churchill (cc by)

garius on starting a print magazine that earns its keep: "We found a small local printer who'd run us up a limited run of 100 copies, which I paid for out of my own pocket, and then we started anonymously leaving copies on the magazine / leaflet table in the Rose and Crown Pub in Walthamstow, London."

yankeefog on attendance policies when producing a live tv show and working for Dennis Miller: "you would be surprised at how much of an art teleprompting is."

Getting Lost, Quickly

ARE You Fine.....Mr. Reyes?ARE You Fine.....Mr. Reyes? by Cayusa (cc by-nc)

In case you, too, have ever felt a little bewildered regarding the roundup of events surrounding a certain group of passengers from Oceanic Flight 815: "what exactly happened in Lost? Please tell me in UNDER 400 WORDS. What happened in that show" now in Ask Me.

by taz

Rx: Teh Funny

LaughLaugh by Donna L. Faber (cc by-nd)

Movies, tv shows, YouTube, books .... looking for the BIG LAUGH. Not ironic, not sarcastic. Immediately, viscerally funny.

For kestralwing and Mr. K, the best Rx needed, stat: Laughter may be the best medicine, but where can I buy some?

by taz

Vintage A/V and Legacy Tech Tales

Projection BoothProjection Booth by limecools (cc by-nc-sa)

"I set Anchorman on fire": Tales from Mefite film projectionists.

To make that sparkly tv logo without computers, the artists "stayed up all night doing drugs." - How they made animated graphics for tv before CGI.

Betamax nostalgia here - Plus how videotape and adhesive tape are made on the same machines.

Remember those 1-800- commercials from late-night tv? - I made those ads, and I worked in a call center, and we could tell when the ads aired.

Stock trader tech - lots of love for the bottomless Bloomberg terminal (internal Craigslist! extra emoji!), history of some alternatives to Bloomberg in the early 1980s, and extra tough phone equipment to survive frustrated smashing by floor traders.

Electronic medical records - A harder problem than it seems, how it's a pain for doctors, and why a lot of medical info systems still rely on fax or modem.

Came all this way and didn't get to kill anybody

Hannibal RisingHannibal Rising

For those suffering Hannibal withdrawal, here's a reminder that the fannibals are still dissecting the last episode in FanFare, with over 1,000 comments (wherein Kitteh executes a real-life Mads and Gillian Fanfare.Metafilter photo op!), plus the brand new Cannibal Club has cooked up some ideas for those hungry for more, including a club talk post to discuss the book "Hannibal Rising" in anticipation of a movie re-watch. Dig in, my fiends.

by taz

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