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Posts tagged with recipes

recipe herding

RecipesRecipes by pirate johnny (cc by-nc-nd)

"I have cookbooks. I have recipes printed out and shoved into cookbooks. I have recipes in Evernote. I have recipes pinned on Pinterest. How can I get all of my recipes in one spot and display them while I cook?"

by taz


Shiromi Mentai - close-up - Shira Nui AUD5.50 eachShiromi Mentai - close-up - Shira Nui AUD5.50 each by avlxyz (cc by-sa)

Omnomnom asks, Every time I go nuts about food, it involves umami. Can you be a chef in my imaginary themed restaurant and create a two- or three course feast to let me revel in umami?

by taz

In the Kitchen

The Very Model of a Modern Major Baker

I'm putting money on Major Clanger to reach the finals roger ackroyd

In FanFare, Major Clanger has been making recipes from this season of GBBO, check it out: Cake Week; Biscuit Week; Bread Week; Dairy Week.

by taz

Non-threatening Veg

IMG_1553IMG_1553 by Richy! (cc by-nc)

I’m looking for the most delicious, β€œsee, [vegetable] isn’t scary!” recipes: bananacabana asks for gateway vegetable recipes in Ask Metafilter.

by taz

"Deliciousify my rice"

What is the best cookie recipe?

Funfetti CookiesFunfetti Cookies by nancyhoang (cc by-nc-nd)

The only requirement - the recipe you choose should either be a recipe that you've made (ie, not just a random version on the internet) or you should have evaluated it and determined that it looks like a well-written recipe.

Frowner asks: These are terrible times and I'm fixing to eat my feelings ... what is the best cookie recipe?

by taz

Really love your peaches ...

Plate with sliced peachesPlate with sliced peaches by wuestenigel (cc by)

Pull up a chair and sit down, as EmpressCallipygos 'splains what to do with millions of peaches (or other produce)

Elsewhere on our plate:

Salad Fight! | 1,500 year old New Mexican beans | An Alphabet of international bread recipes | Reclaiming Canadian indigenous cuisine | As Muslim-American as bean pie | We all scream for ... mayo ice cream? | Sugartime by Ruby Tandoh | Forgotten Southern Recipes | An illustrated compendium of Chinese baos | Verbing the taco | The story of Chop Ayam

And finally, for those of us less culinarily evolved, have we even been opening our cans the wrong way?

by taz

Posts for yer Piehole

EatEat by Thomas Hawk (cc by-nc)

Recently served on Mefi:

Making 4,000-year-old stew | Wiki-Food and (mostly) Women | Let's Cook History vids | Epicurious asked 50 people to do some basic kitchen prep work and filmed the mayhem | Thinking about Chicken tenders | Donugβ€½ | The popular Budget Bytes recipe collection / blog | Bowl food | A Taste of South Sudan | The Weird and Wavy History of Wine Coolers | Feelings about cottage cheese

by taz

If there was ever a time to overthink a plate of beans...

Vegetarian ChiliVegetarian Chili by ilovememphis (cc by-nc-nd)

Okay, folks, time to get serious now: *s wants to win the office vegetarian chili competition. Let us not fail our comrade in need!

In other news, the mythic quest for a seriously intense brownie recipe, and the dream of a for-reals healthy muffin.

by taz

Misty waterbed memories (and some sugar)

Waterbed for the backyardWaterbed for the backyard by Clintus McGintus (cc by-sa)

Hedonism time! Share your waterbed stories, and learn the secrets of making your own granulated caramel for baking.

M-F Meals Master List?

Want to play?Want to play? by Mi Mitrika (cc by-nc-nd)

What do you have for dinner that you make yourself in a relatively short amount of time and/or with relatively little effort? Help us figure out a variety of dinners to put on a meal-planning list!

Mrs. Pterodactyl is looking for a master list of recipes for convenient weeknight dinners (seafood and finny friends need not apply!)

by taz

Hungry, Lazy, Busy, Zombies? Shelf Food FTW.

029/365+1029/365+1 by meaganmakes (cc by-nc)

Your fridge is [mostly] empty. You're too lazy to drive to the grocery store, but not too lazy to stay in and cook: Kitchen Pantry Cooking Challenge Ask Me thread is there for you.

(See also: Shopping-averse cook seeks pantry-friendly recipes, and what to eat when you are waiting out the zombie apocalypse)

by taz

"Bring me all your best popsicle recipes"

Organic Watermelon PopsiclesOrganic Watermelon Popsicles by Growing a Green Family (cc by-sa)

I have shiny new popsicle molds. I wish to spend the rest of the summer making all sorts of tasty frozen treats. ... What awesome recipes can you send my way?

Stacey, ISO some chill thrills on the Green.

by taz

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