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Posts tagged with pantry

How do I maintain a happy little kitchen?

Intermediate staples?

Bartje Boemboe // Frank FestivalBartje Boemboe // Frank Festival by Merlijn Hoek (cc by-nc-nd)

Phunniemee asks, "What's the next level after basic? What should I keep in my fridge and pantry to enable me to cook slightly more interesting than basic food?" The primroses were over kicks off the answers with a great tip on lemons 🍋 and furnace.heart brings the link love for various pantry staples by cuisine.🌶

Meanwhile, over in Fanfare, people are talking about the novel In an Absent Dream 📖, and the film The Old Guard 🎬 among other things.

by taz

Hungry, Lazy, Busy, Zombies? Shelf Food FTW.

029/365+1029/365+1 by meaganmakes (cc by-nc)

Your fridge is [mostly] empty. You're too lazy to drive to the grocery store, but not too lazy to stay in and cook: Kitchen Pantry Cooking Challenge Ask Me thread is there for you.

(See also: Shopping-averse cook seeks pantry-friendly recipes, and what to eat when you are waiting out the zombie apocalypse)

by taz

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