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Trailing along with AskMe

Camping gear inside a tent in FloridaCamping gear inside a tent in Florida by State Library and Archives of Florida

AskMe's got some camping hacks (pack a spare belt buckle, toothpaste in a contact lens case, and respect the all-important footcare)... But how to pass time on the trail?

Hassle the kids with rhyming phrases? Okey dokey, artichokey! Or we could teach them about picking their friends and picking their nose, in French.

We could swap stories of academic detective work, or the majesty of history's most destructive animal swarms. Or just noodle over what to put in my collection of glass bottles.

long time ago when we was fab

Mikel vinylMikel vinyl by aspitos4kids (cc by-nc)

Fun question in Ask Me: You spin me right round baby right round like a what? "I need songs with specific lyrics which I can play for my daughter which represent antiquated technology that she has no real understanding of."

by taz

Curious Virgo

NYC Subway 80sNYC Subway 80s by Olivier Nade (cc by-nc)

What was it like to be alive on September 15, 1985? "from the mundane to the profound, what do you remember about that time?"

by taz

ah ah ahh eh eh ehh oh oh ohh

vinylvinyl by suzy_yes (cc by-nc-nd)

Thanks to the work of everyone in this thread, I was able to make a positive identification of the song, order the vinyl, and have it professionally converted to digital.

The OP has updated an old thread about a 30-year-old mystery tune in Ask Me with a YouTube video of the song. Yay, team!

Looking for more musical mysteries to solve?

What's the Baby Elephant song I heard at Burning Man?

I'm trying to identify a sample from the first few minutes of this album

Loving you is . . . easy to forget? What was that song from 2008 - 2009?

Finding a song based on a music video: "a woman riding a horse and she had dramatically long hair that floated through the sky"

by taz

Of poets and liars

Lying LiarsLying Liars by katmeresin (cc by)

Next you're going to tell me it was actually only a couple of hundred yards to go before he slept? not_on_display

"the best example in all of American poetry of a wolf in sheep’s cloth" explains how everyone knows Robert Frost’s "The Road Not Taken" – and how almost everyone gets it wrong (though not everyone: "I wrote a whole commencement speech about this general idea")

Plus a post about Best American Poetry guest editor Sherman Alexie's response re a white male poet who appropriated a Chinese name for submission to the anthology

and in Ask Me, looking for the author who said (something like) "The poet lies ... most especially when writing about himself"

by taz

Mystery Object of the purple persuasion

My toddler has a set of animal magnets that include a snail, a cow, a beaver/woodchuck thing, a sheep, another sheep, a goat, and... a purple blobby thing. What the hell kind of animal is this?

by taz

More Cinema Serendipity

Sunset BoulevardSunset Boulevard by (cc by-nc)

Many classic movies are famous and important without being very entertaining to contemporary viewers. But others feel surprisingly fresh, in the sense that they still hold up as entertainment ... Which oldies successfully make you laugh/scream/cry/think on their own terms, without you having to put yourself in the shoes of bygone audiences?

In AskMe, Beardman asks about Oldies that don't feel like homework viewing, while in FanFare, Old Timey Film Club is announced, and Sunset Boulevard is posted as the group's debut thread (So they opened their big mouths and out came talk. Talk! TALK!).

by taz

The Hole Shebang

Chompsky in the holeChompsky in the hole

Great answer by barchan to popcassady's question, "Found this footprint shaped hole in a rock at the beach. Is it a dinosaur footprint?"

In other news of holes and dinosaurs, Dinosaur Comics author Ryan North turns to Twitter when he and dog Chompsky get trapped in a hole. Amusing thread ensues.

by taz

Cinema Serendipities

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past LivesUncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

In Ask Me, phunniemee asks Give me your recommendations for creeping, meandering, dream-like movies! Meanwhile, back at FanFare something's brewing with naju ... and Strange Club ("strange & sublime, bizarre & beautiful, arthouse-leaning, unclassifiable") lurches to ecstatic life, with a first viewing set for Aug 12 and first post Aug 17.

by taz

Time Passages

Before Time ManagementBefore Time Management by ampresco (cc by-nc-nd)

'Confessions'. He referred to some of these tips as confessions, or things that academics don't want to talk about but they all do.

Some good resources (and the answer!) in the thread for whalebreath's question about an article on time management in academia.

by taz

I Did it My Waaaaay

Flypostering is WrongFlypostering is Wrong by gwire (cc by)

I'm looking for tasks where (1) each person consistently does it in a particular way, (2) believes that everyone else does it that same way, and (3) is wrong about (2).

On Ask Me, what do people incorrectly believe to be universal?, wherein we find out some folks are just wrong. Very, very wrong, indeed.

by taz

"My parents are very perplexed by all this"

Hard Hat AreaHard Hat Area by jasoneppink (cc by)

I've applied for, been accepted to, and am halfway finished with a pre-apprenticeship training program for women. And I'm doing pretty well. So the idea of my becoming a carpenter has gone from a total pipe dream to an actual possibility...

showbiz_liz asks about what to expect when moving from white collar to blue collar work as a woman.

by taz

Style Pile

Design Faves Logo DesignDesign Faves Logo Design by The Logo Smith (cc by-nc-nd)

In Ask Me recently:

Online resources for teaching basics of good document design?

Give me your colorful, cute, glam office supplies yearning to be free

Looking for the best dish drying rack ever

by taz

Hungry, Lazy, Busy, Zombies? Shelf Food FTW.

029/365+1029/365+1 by meaganmakes (cc by-nc)

Your fridge is [mostly] empty. You're too lazy to drive to the grocery store, but not too lazy to stay in and cook: Kitchen Pantry Cooking Challenge Ask Me thread is there for you.

(See also: Shopping-averse cook seeks pantry-friendly recipes, and what to eat when you are waiting out the zombie apocalypse)

by taz

The Enduring Paint-on-the-Face Mystery

Fwd: ROLLER GREETINGFwd: ROLLER GREETING by Wonderlane (cc by)

Back in October of 2014, sarcasticah asked a simple question about an old 80s or 90s sitcom.

During the intro/ opening credits, there's a bit where one character is painting a wall or a door, and another character opens the door, and the first character rolls the paint roller over the other person's face. I can see this in my mind, but I cannot for the life of me figure out the show it came from.

Shockingly, Ask Mefi did not save the day, and apparently fans of the question have been on the edge of their seats ever since, so we are highlighting this cold case again, just in case there's a last minute lead before the thread closes in a couple of months.

So, "paint roller on the face opening credits": Mass Hallucination or True Thing? Do you know the answer?

(Also, we hired a pug to illustrate the suspense and anxiety surrounding the non-resolution of this issue, in case it helps.)

by taz

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