The Enduring Paint-on-the-Face Mystery
Fwd: ROLLER GREETING by Wonderlane (cc by)
Back in October of 2014, sarcasticah asked a simple question about an old 80s or 90s sitcom.
During the intro/ opening credits, there's a bit where one character is painting a wall or a door, and another character opens the door, and the first character rolls the paint roller over the other person's face. I can see this in my mind, but I cannot for the life of me figure out the show it came from.
Shockingly, Ask Mefi did not save the day, and apparently fans of the question have been on the edge of their seats ever since, so we are highlighting this cold case again, just in case there's a last minute lead before the thread closes in a couple of months.
So, "paint roller on the face opening credits": Mass Hallucination or True Thing? Do you know the answer?
(Also, we hired a pug to illustrate the suspense and anxiety surrounding the non-resolution of this issue, in case it helps.)