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Posts tagged with fun


black and white vintage wood block illustration of a blended octopus body with white owl headThe majestic Snowyoctopowl, perhaps?

In case you missed it, Brids, Sfish and other Amals, a fun browser toy by dng that mixes up Victorian animal illustrations to create amazing new hybrid animals every time you click.

by taz

small, fun, free

simple pixel art of a creature inside an enclosure containing nooks where blocks must goscreenshot of opening level of the game I Have No Mouth, And I Must Create Blocks On All Sides Of Me

"charming, handcrafted, fiendishly difficult puzzle games with a retro 8-bit feel": Lovingly Crafted Puzzle Games Since 2013, a passel of Puzzlescript, iOS and Android games to while away the hours, 8-bit at a time.

by taz

The 'roo is winning at air guitar

Cropped photograph of birds arguing by Jacek Stankiewicz

Hey, it's the end of week and the day after a major holiday in the USA, so let's chill out with The 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards! Grab your favorite beverage and check out the link that wowenthusiast posted!

Stuffed animal social media

photo of a cream-colored stuffed rabbit against a dark backgroundMy Velveteen Rabbit by Alyssa L. Miller (cc by)

"My 11 year old announced he wants to keep track of all his stuffed animals. On paper, he has maybe invented 2005 Facebook all over again, for his imagination. How can we do this?"

by taz

Welcome to the The Land of Sneth

Faux gaming card of Rushad Eggleston

Come check out the infectiously fun Rushad Eggleston aka "The Cello Goblin"! This mini-documentary, shared by 'Fupped Duck', explores the inspirations of this joyful soul in all his gloriously madcap creativity.

Loons, so many loons

a flag drawn in crayon or colored pencil showing a red eye, a butterfly wing, moon and stars, and sunny day

"nice to see someone leaning in to the core imagery of the loon as a red-eyed nightmare being by really focusing in on the eye part to the exclusion of the rest of the bird; I feel like this is the one Minnesotan who's going to be straight with me about the Horrors" – taquito sunrise.

Minnesotans are submitting their new state flag and seal design ideas, and Mefites have opinions.

by taz

"Curious Curios"

MonkeyToes posted Web Curios, a cool, old school "blognewslettertypething which has existed in various forms in various places online since about 2010."

a wood and glass display cabinet colorfully filled with items such as small paintings, etchings, coral, feathers, mirrors, a skull, etc.Painting: Cabinet of Curiosities, 1690s, Domenico Remps, via Wikipedia

by taz

There's a Manual for That

Clone-a Lisa

"What do you think is in the safe?"

This week for Metatalktail Hour, the primroses were over asks about local mysteries.

by taz

scratch this podcast itch

My Podcast Set IMy Podcast Set I by brainblogger (cc by)

Shepherd is looking for "debunky, chatty, science-y" podcast recs: "I love Maintenance Phase and If Books Could Kill and would like more podcasts like this..."

by taz

Corridor of uncertainty?

Eastons CC v Epping Foresters CC at Little Easton, Essex, England 084Eastons CC v Epping Foresters CC at Little Easton, Essex, England 084 (cc by)

Mefites describe cricket to each other in tomcooke's post thread about a serious amateur cricketer who found themself unexpectedly drafted in to make up the numbers in a village cricket match

by taz

Cool Stuff

IRL, mochapickle and danabanana have organized an online meet for "The Artist's Way" (Julia Cameron's classic creativity program to help with artistic work of all kinds) starting Sunday, May 7, so check in to learn more! And over in Fanfare, DirtyOldTown has posted Trailer Park: May 2023, a collection of fresh trailers for upcoming movies. (See April Trailer Park collection here)

by taz

"Party Peasants in the House Tonight"

Fire dancingFire dancing by Scrap Pile (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter: "It's one or three or ten centuries ago. Somebody's ancestors gather around a fire and pretty soon, spontaneous music breaks out, a few people start dancing, everybody winds up happy and breathless. But what I need to know is, if the songs aren't from the US, Canada, the UK or Ireland, or from Western Europe, what does the music sound like? I'm making a YouTube Music playlist to write a fun cozy fantasy novel to and I need help finding instrumental music from different traditions."

Wintersweet asks about antique party tunes outside the Anglosphere / Western Europe.

by taz

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Sepia-tone collage page header art reading Image via

Google Street View, curated: Having fun with Neal Agarwal's "Wonders of Street View."

by taz

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MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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