small, fun, free
"charming, handcrafted, fiendishly difficult puzzle games with a retro 8-bit feel": Lovingly Crafted Puzzle Games Since 2013, a passel of Puzzlescript, iOS and Android games to while away the hours, 8-bit at a time.
"charming, handcrafted, fiendishly difficult puzzle games with a retro 8-bit feel": Lovingly Crafted Puzzle Games Since 2013, a passel of Puzzlescript, iOS and Android games to while away the hours, 8-bit at a time.
Rhaomi posted a labor of love featuring the Flashpoint Archive preservation project with over 145,000 preserved Flash games, plus highlights, more emulators, more games, tips, background, new software and more. If you miss Flash Fridays, definitely *don't* miss this post!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.