scratch this podcast itch
My Podcast Set I by brainblogger (cc by)
Shepherd is looking for "debunky, chatty, science-y" podcast recs: "I love Maintenance Phase and If Books Could Kill and would like more podcasts like this..."
My Podcast Set I by brainblogger (cc by)
Shepherd is looking for "debunky, chatty, science-y" podcast recs: "I love Maintenance Phase and If Books Could Kill and would like more podcasts like this..."
The Hypnotic Eye by kbirrane-oldaccount (cc by-sa)
QAnon operates like a cult, reinforcing extreme distrust of out-groups and extreme reliance on the in-group. It is very, very difficult to undo that once the damage has been done ... Lonnrot with a great, thorough answer on combatting QAnon online, and in the Blue, Adrian Hon's What ARGs can teach us about QAnon.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.