A Tasty Long Con
Community member 'drewbage1847' shows folks in the Northern hemisphere how to prepare for winter meals with recipes of the French technique of "confit".
Community member 'drewbage1847' shows folks in the Northern hemisphere how to prepare for winter meals with recipes of the French technique of "confit".
drewbage1847 has a great post all about honey, delightfully drizzled with interesting recipes. Sweet!
at some point the mechanics of the cheese come into play, and what starts out as a faster stream of a continuous connected bead of cheese foam will begin to break apart into a cheese sputter, then a cheese spritz, and eventually a sort of atomized cheese ... SaltySalticid addresses the practical and theoretical issues of faster Easy Cheese in Literaryhero's Ask Metafilter question
"Recently saw a map where they had divided Europe into butter Europe and olive oil Europe. If this had been a map of the world, what other oils would be on there?" Interesting question from iamsuper, lots of great answers, and fascinating background from Jane the Brown
Members offer guiding principles, recipes, and resources for cruel summer's request to please demystify bowls for me.
So I once met the person who invented barcodes, a woman engineer working for IBM in the mid-60s ... She is, of course, not named on the patent: basalganglia talks the origins of the barcode in jessamyn's great fundraising member-sponsored post on supermarkets. All member-sponsored posts here.
Tiny Japanese restaurants in 4K. "... there's a whole channel of these wholesome, calming and hunger-inducing videos"
at which point everyone ... took pieces of his head home for later snacking: ricochet biscuit reminisces about the ultimate giant chocolate gift in this thread about a giant disgusting lollipop (and other giant disgusting food).
In Ask Metafilter, spindrifter is looking for "ideas for summer meals or components that can be made in a batch and eaten over the course of the week for easy dinners with no or minimal cooking in the moment."
What are foods that made you say, "Where have you been my whole life?!" What else have we been eating in Ask Metafilter lately? Tortillas, garlic, maple syrup jelly, stir-fry, salads, quick lunches, scones, mango pickle, risotto.
clew's post Stones speak and ashes live explores recent archeological research and evidence that "shred the long-standing idea that early people subsisted mainly on meat."
I'll put it bluntly: modern cooking is a social dick-measuring contest: Kadin2048 has an intriguing comment about the "fixation on cooking at home as a moral good" in theora55's post on Ultraprocessed Foods.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.