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Posts tagged with head

How to get a head in life

lollipoplollipop by Flóra (cc by)

at which point everyone ... took pieces of his head home for later snacking: ricochet biscuit reminisces about the ultimate giant chocolate gift in this thread about a giant disgusting lollipop (and other giant disgusting food).

by taz

We want a pure LHC-kill-beam thought experiment here

Your head will now EXPLODE shirtYour head will now EXPLODE shirt by Ced (cc by-nc-sa)

I really don't know what would happen if you put your head (or hand) into the LHC beam, and contra the article, the Anatoli Bugorski incident only gives us a vague sense of what would happen in the much more powerful LHC. So let's do a Fermi-style thought experiment. Also known as writing down a bunch of numbers and then guessing from that.

Once again, physicsmatt tackles the big questions on our behalf, this time regarding a mind-blowing hypothetical about the Large Hadron Collider.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





