Are you old enough to have wine?
Sighetu-Marmatiei: Pensiunea Konnak by Daniel ENGELVIN (TWO Millions thanks)
How they do it in Transylvania; DirtyOldTown comments in the #swedengate thread
Sighetu-Marmatiei: Pensiunea Konnak by Daniel ENGELVIN (TWO Millions thanks)
How they do it in Transylvania; DirtyOldTown comments in the #swedengate thread
A polyphony of music past recently in the blue:
11+ documentaries on the history of electronic music; Larry Chung talks about and plays a 1934 Gibson L-5; A three-hour mixtape of Goth history, nearly 50 tracks of early-to-mid eighties Goth classics; Pitchfork's 200 Best Songs of the 1980s; Anton Karas plays the Theme from the Third Man, on zither; Using Spotify plays to quantify how old music has stood the test-of-time; "massive chords of intemperate savagery" – the strange story of Jón Leifs' Organ Concerto; great highlights from This is Tom Jones, a variety show that ran from 1969-1971; "Old Weird America", you say? I got some right here for ya
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.