Best Of MetaFilter

Posts tagged with best

Tell me that you like it, yeah

Tell me something goodTell me something good by Darwin Bell (cc by-nc)

In MetaTalk, Filthy light thief asks What's the best thing you've read and/or heard lately? Share the goodies!

by taz

Title Wave

Johnny Wallflower has announced his winner and runner-up awards for best May post titles, here!

by taz

Best Title Contest
Think you've got what it takes to title your post really well? Because we're havin' a Best Title contest, and you might just win the Best Title Title.

by cortex

July Best Post Contest results

Trophy presented to Don Bradman, 1948Trophy presented to Don Bradman, 1948 by State Library of South Australia (cc by)

The July Best Post contest results are in!

July Best Post Contest!

365.342 - Cracker Jack365.342 - Cracker Jack by nettsu (cc by-nc-nd)

Hey, hey, it's July Best Post Contest! Now with delicious CATEGORIES: "Weekly Best Post," "First and Second Time Posters," "Mod Categories," and "Member Categories."

Come add your own prize category! Vote for the best posts! Make a cool post and win a prize and/or the adulation of your peers!

by taz

Best and Baddest

"someone deserves the Spell of Forlorn Encystment"

Dragon ScreamDragon Scream by Brandon James Scott (cc by-nc-nd)

Want to hear Mefites hiss and spit over sins of omission (and inclusion!) in another "best books" thread, and pick up some great member reading recommendations along the way? Check out the thread on The 51 Best Fantasy Series Ever Written. (tip of the wizard hat to y2karl for the title)

In other news, Space Journey Walrus makes an entrance in a thread about some Very Serious Developments Indeed in the aftermath of "this year's kerpupple surrounding the Hugo awards," soon acquiring form (and fashion) and narrative arc. What strange new realms await our hero?

by taz

Keeping Time

Delia DerbyshireDelia Derbyshire

A polyphony of music past recently in the blue:

11+ documentaries on the history of electronic music; Larry Chung talks about and plays a 1934 Gibson L-5; A three-hour mixtape of Goth history, nearly 50 tracks of early-to-mid eighties Goth classics; Pitchfork's 200 Best Songs of the 1980s; Anton Karas plays the Theme from the Third Man, on zither; Using Spotify plays to quantify how old music has stood the test-of-time; "massive chords of intemperate savagery" – the strange story of Jón Leifs' Organ Concerto; great highlights from This is Tom Jones, a variety show that ran from 1969-1971; "Old Weird America", you say? I got some right here for ya

by taz

Where can I, mysterious woman, sit alone at a bar in my best dress and drink?

Last DropLast Drop by Renée S. Suen (cc by-nc-nd)

I love lush, dark, pretentious speakeasies where the cocktails take 15 minutes to make and cost my first born. As a kid, I dreamed on the day I could be the mysterious woman sitting alone at a fancy bar and here I am as an adult, with the means to fulfill my dreams.

Zosia Blue asks for the best modern speakeasy-type bars in each U.S. state... and compiles a spreadsheet. Santé!

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





