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Posts tagged with Reading

Help Embiggen These Brains!

PipedreamerPipedreamer by new 1lluminati (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, xenization is seeking Essays/Articles That Opened Your Mind for first-year college students; nonfiction that makes you go, "Huh. Never thought of it like that before."

by taz

Everybody Needs a Hygge

17/365 - Weekend Bliss17/365 - Weekend Bliss by Phae (cc by-nc-nd)

scenes in firelit rooms while it rains outside; passing long, chilly nights; comfy interiors; hearty meals ... In Ask Metafilter, delight is looking for cozy, satisfying historical fiction for Fall.

by taz

"The reader, reading it, makes it live"

book 23book 23 by kruzul (cc by-sa)

Lots of great reading recommendations by members in the 50 Must-Read Fantasy Books by Women thread

by taz

Hugos There?

hugo awardshugo awards by trendingtopics (cc by)

Booklovers can now keep up with discussion of current Hugo nominated books and stories in Fanfare via the Hugo Awards 2019 Club

by taz

Heyyyy, whatcha readin'?

Books@Leadenhall MarketBooks@Leadenhall Market by Dave Pearce (London) (cc by-nc-nd)

I thought it would be interesting if mefites posted lists of what they plan to or have read, listened to, or watched this summer. I don't want to leave out people in the Southern Hemisphere, though, so feel free to post seasonal lists for whatever the season you may be experiencing!

ArbitraryAndCapricious asks Mefites to share their seasonal reading/ listening/ whatever list

by taz

The Re-Readables

By the moon, we sport and play, with the night begins our day.”By the moon, we sport and play, with the night begins our day.” by Decorating and other stuff (cc by-sa)

In my quest to read more I've found I'm drawn back to old favourites that I've already read multiple times. I'm ok with this because the reason they are re-readable is obviously because they are GOOD books that are lovable and rewarding to return to ...So I'd like to expand this repertoire by trying books that other people re-read often.

mymbleth asks What book(s) can you read over and over and over again?

by taz

Authorial Intent?

A Storm of SwordsA Storm of Swords by flossyflotsam (cc by)

What books hold up so well to re-reading that it makes you suspect they were engineered that way? Are there examples of books that seem to be MUCH better on second reading? What kind of things did the author do to achieve that?

kk asks, What books seem to have been written to be re-read?

by taz

Caution-ary Tales

sol ringsol ring by fuzzysaurus (cc by)

In a discussion of the current Hugo Award nominees, Monsieur Caution offers up a great, linkified alternative slate of personal favorites, plus points out a couple of posts on 2014 SFF that fans might want to peruse.

by taz

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