Are you a peach, or a coconut? 🍑đŸĨĨ

Tell me some more about two types of people ... A Terrible Llama asks for examples of (lesser known) "two types of people" tropes, and you will either find the answers fascinating, or not.

by taz

Oh, that's not the door I wanted

Go to hell? Ok fine, the United Kingdom has a large selection of entrances that will allow one to do that, complete with some true-ish backstories. Just step this way, dmd will hold the door...

Hey, you can't park that space station overhead

How do you deal with edge cases? Vincebowdren posted about "No Vehicles in the Park", an interesting (and short) game/quiz that looks at the difficulty of having policies that everyone agrees on.

đŸ˜ģ Who's a good kitty? đŸ˜ģ

There is a cat named Fraggle Rock in this world! Come check out the illustrated diary (shared by Pallas Athena) of the adventures of settling in to their home, as told by the artist 'AM'! 🐈🐈‍âŦ›

40+ fitness: How, What, Why

Silhouette image of two people with a dog jogging in the early eveningPhoto by Eric Sonstroem on Flickr

A mefite with the definitely-not-funny-in-this-context user name "knownfossils" is looking for info from people who are finding themselves in the best shape of their lives at age 40. đŸ’ĒđŸŊ

by taz

curious but distinctive signs

photo of an old postcard with Linear B characters written on itvia, The Linear B postcard written by John Chadwick to Michael Ventris, digitised by the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge.

The reviews are in: "A fascinating story well told. Truly the Beat of the Web." chavenet posted the excellent article Cracking the Code of Linear B by Theodore Nash, chock full of details.

by taz

"This is ridiculously fun"

image of music CDs and cassette tape with My Ultimate 80s Mix written on it and cassette cover with a listing of the songs handwritten on the insertPhoto by hanulsieger on Flickr

simmering octagon posted Mixtape Garden, a collaborative mixtape-making site, and mefites have been sharing their creations ... and their sweet misty mixtape memories.

by taz

Hello New Web Development Team Member!

Cat on laptop via dougwoods (

.newhire {
position: joining web development team
background: decades of front and back end development
background-padding: years of MeFi membership
previous experience: sportsfilter
pets: cats

"Are You Drinking with me Jesus?"

onstage photo of Mojo Nixon, Jello Biafra and othersAri Braginsky photo on Flickr: Alternative Tentacles 33 1/3rd Birthday Show

I did do a purple hooter shooter last night in his honor when I heard the news ... teleri025 shares a reminiscence in the Mojo Nixon obit thread.

by taz

đŸĒ Uncookie the cookie and start the debate! đŸĒ

Photo of cookie dough being cut by various molds.Photo by Iryna Yeroshko, via Flickr (

Metasyntactic needs a cookie idea, but not a cookie, cookie, you know? Something that looks like a cookie, but isn't necessarily one and most importantly, starts a debate a whether it is cookie. MeFites are chiming in, what's your not too complicated suggestion?

Mobile games that aren't trying to lock you in!

You like mobile games, but hate the subscription model that is designed to lock you in? Then check out this post by wowenthusiast that has examples of healthy games and avoid hamster wheel of repeatedly paying for content! 👾🕹ī¸đŸŽŽ

Photo by Johan Larsson, via Flickr (

Edit: It's been pointed out that cosmic owl made a similar post about a year ago, so we definitely want to acknowledge that and give a shout out to them!

Beyond the fork and spoon!

Photo by Marco Verch via Flickr:

The time has come and you're about to move out on your own! But like The Almighty Mommy Goddess, you have questions about how to stock up for your perfect kitchen. From rice cookers to bowls to utensils, Ask MetaFilter has a ton of useful tips!

Still living on the air 🎧

Johnny Fever behind his DJ desk with turntables in the foreground and audio equipment, tapes and LPs in the backgroundScreenshot of Howard Hesseman as DJ Johnny Fever

Radio station WKRP may be no more than a fond and fuzzy memory, but thanks to the efforts of WFMU we can still enjoy an actual three-hour radio set from the one and only Dr. Johnny Fever. Nice find, Alvy Ampersand!

by taz

Tagged as "Resolved"

black and white image of an old-fashioned clock face with roman numerals and ornate handsArt by Eddi van W. on Flickr

Ask Me synchronicity ... 18 years later: In 2006, ninazer0 asked for help identifying three works of English Juvenile Historical Fiction, later finding the answer to one of the mystery texts. In 2024, tangerine asked about mid-century kids' historical fiction about the Hanseatic League, and paduasoy's suggestion was not the author OP was looking for, but it did resolve the earlier mystery. Then melisande added more info for the earlier question. Delightful!

by taz

scaremongering, or CAREmongering?

... I learned a lot on that job - mostly by making mistakes. Mefites are weighing in on an Ask Metafilter question about the likelihood of admin login rights creating a major security risk on a work computer.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





