Hey, you can't park that space station overhead
How do you deal with edge cases? Vincebowdren posted about "No Vehicles in the Park", an interesting (and short) game/quiz that looks at the difficulty of having policies that everyone agrees on.
How do you deal with edge cases? Vincebowdren posted about "No Vehicles in the Park", an interesting (and short) game/quiz that looks at the difficulty of having policies that everyone agrees on.
> i cant believe how many hot single cabbages there are in my area ... What do you know about cabbage?
I've been having a lot of fun creating little monuments to asininity like this lately. — duffell
Star Trek episode, Dave Eggers book, or Mountain Goats song? is a fiendish Buzzfeed quiz by Mefi's own duffell. Projects post here.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.