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Posts tagged with Historical

Tagged as "Resolved"

black and white image of an old-fashioned clock face with roman numerals and ornate handsArt by Eddi van W. on Flickr

Ask Me synchronicity ... 18 years later: In 2006, ninazer0 asked for help identifying three works of English Juvenile Historical Fiction, later finding the answer to one of the mystery texts. In 2024, tangerine asked about mid-century kids' historical fiction about the Hanseatic League, and paduasoy's suggestion was not the author OP was looking for, but it did resolve the earlier mystery. Then melisande added more info for the earlier question. Delightful!

by taz

"Party Peasants in the House Tonight"

Fire dancingFire dancing by Scrap Pile (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter: "It's one or three or ten centuries ago. Somebody's ancestors gather around a fire and pretty soon, spontaneous music breaks out, a few people start dancing, everybody winds up happy and breathless. But what I need to know is, if the songs aren't from the US, Canada, the UK or Ireland, or from Western Europe, what does the music sound like? I'm making a YouTube Music playlist to write a fun cozy fantasy novel to and I need help finding instrumental music from different traditions."

Wintersweet asks about antique party tunes outside the Anglosphere / Western Europe.

by taz

Teacups and hoop skirts, and letting your nerd flag fly

Victorian TeaVictorian Tea by Eilidh B (cc by-nd)

Did you catch the short online comedy series "Black Girl in a Big Dress," about the life-and-dating misadventures of a young African American woman who loves Victorian cosplay? It's got Mefites' linen unders all aflutter.

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