Standup Comedy Recommendations?
In Ask Metafilter: My New Year’s resolution was to watch more standup as it brings me joy! Please recommend me your favourite standup comedy specials, I like feminist, pro LGBTQ+, no punching down comedians...
In Ask Metafilter: My New Year’s resolution was to watch more standup as it brings me joy! Please recommend me your favourite standup comedy specials, I like feminist, pro LGBTQ+, no punching down comedians...
In Ask Metafilter, artisthatithaca asks How Do You Keep Track of Your Life? "I need a system! I need ... something! I've got my work and life calendar under control, but I need a place to keep all the little tidbits I notice, ideas, writing, things from books, lists of books I've read and want to read, thoughts on life, etc..."
We watch entirely too much TV. Help us watch more. In Ask Metafilter, paper scissors sock is looking for the crime drama and dark comedy/dramedy sweet spot.
Sciatrix has some excellent recs and observations for some of Eric Flint's non-1632 series books in the Flint obituary thread.
In Ask Metafilter, I'm on staycation in a week and want to spend a good part of my time in my backyard, off the internet and social media, with my nose jammed into a book that I can't put down.
In Ask Metafilter, There have been many mystery novel questions but this one is mine...
everything happens so much! what can I play? "What are some good recent video games that don't suffer if you are frequently interrupted?"
In Ask Metafilter, unicorn chaser is looking for good books that are also fast and easy reads
Are There Any Good Magazines Left Out There? carlypennylane asks for recommendations for aesthetically pleasing analogue magazines on topics like self-care, photography, art / creativity, health / wellness, Buddhism, outdoor, nature, and science.
What are foods that made you say, "Where have you been my whole life?!" What else have we been eating in Ask Metafilter lately? Tortillas, garlic, maple syrup jelly, stir-fry, salads, quick lunches, scones, mango pickle, risotto.
Algorithms are great *but* don’t go to any guilty pleasures or allow any other person to use your account, unless you want those choices feeding into it. I don’t know a way to come back from the pollution of one’s algorithm. (I found *great* new bands until I allowed this to happen) – cotton dress sock: Lots of interesting tips, recommendations, and suggestions on the How to find new music I like Ask Metafilter post.
In Ask Metafilter, pleasebekind asks "Can you recommend any contemporary love poems or poetry collections?" ... I would really like to read more works by women and queer poets, as well as poets of colour. I love when the ordinary life is being talked about, or when the poem doesn't make you think it's a love poem in the beginning. Interested to read how other poets write about the erotic, of the body, being a woman, being human. Or perhaps distances/geography. Or identity. Kink also okay or self-love.
'Amiably peopled' novels? In Ask Metafilter, unicorn chaser asks, "what are your favourite low-stress, enjoyable literary novels about people just hanging out?"
Meanwhile, over in Music, listen to gorbichov's Gan Ainm No. 1, "a little tune I wrote a few months back. I was thinking about Irish slow airs, and wanted to have some of that feel, combined with some harmony stuff I've been playing with ... This is played on my 1945 Epiphone Blackstone archtop, which I really love for melodic playing."
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.