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Posts tagged with Reading

"the unpredictable melody of questions and comments and requests"

3D diorama of a small room with stone walls, a wooden table, and a ladder reaching up to a high windowPhoto by Christian Sinibaldi via The Guardian: One of Battle library's 'nooks' – handmade dioramas depicting scenes from classic novels.

'If there’s nowhere else to go, this is where they come'. Wordshore posted the Guardian's fascinating long read on how libraries step in to fill the gaps left by a state that has reneged on its responsibilities, with a look at the daily lives of two librarians in particular.

by taz


a row of illuminated hard cover books with subtly colorful book covers against a dark backgroundPhoto by shellac on Flickr

In Ask Metafilter bluloo is looking for deeply engrossing beach reads, 168 would like recs for really good book blogs, and WithWildAbandon seeks what seems to be a unicorn — "a comprehensive, continually updated list of celebrity book clubs with ALL of their monthly picks," but no answers so far. (hey, hey, anyone looking for a niche blog focus?)

by taz

Sharpened little gems

readingreading by Seniju (cc by)

Throwback Thursday to 2014: 'joseph conrad is fully awesome' posted links about short novels, aka things you could read in one sitting. Come for the books, stay for the additional recommendations in the comments!

Cozy, cozy, cozy

photo of a sunlit, colorful comfy couch with pillows and a patchwork quiltCozy by Anne Marie Clarke

Snuggle up, frens: In Ask Metafilter, azalea_chant seeks Cozy Crime (less trope-y than cozy mystery), signal is looking for Cozy History on everyday life, and churl wants Bedtime Reading Suggestions for Couples.

by taz

"All truth is profound"

Moby Dick - Herman Melville (Club français du livre, 1964)Moby Dick - Herman Melville (Club français du livre, 1964) by -ep- (cc by)

I'm reading Moby Dick. It's fun! But I'm sure I'm missing a lot. This is where you come in ... wooh is looking for good explanations and analyses for our favorite great white whale.

by taz

"Amazing writers, never heard of 'em"

photo of a question mark made of booksImage via Dreamstime

In Ask Metafilter, sonofsnark is looking for "recommendations for amazing fiction writers that I am unlikely to have heard of before"

by taz

Local Library Love 📚❤️

cam university librarycam university library by arcibald (cc by-nc)

SaharaRose's post about ways to support libraries in trying times offers suggestions for individuals and multiple resources to help support US libraries and the freedom to read.

by taz

Checking the Fahrenheit

Book Burning - Quema de Libros - Suns and Book BurningBook Burning - Quema de Libros - Suns and Book Burning by derechoaleer (cc by)

Posted to the blue from Mefi Projects: Banned Book Book Club "displays information about a book that has been banned in American schools 2021-2022, alongside a readable preview of most books (on desktop only) and a link to buy it. Reload to see another one." Amazing, really.

by taz

"a bitter, poisonous read ..."

Come for the "simple listicle designed to elicit clicks and furious argument" (– doctornemo), stay for the explanation of why Lovecraft is an incel (– mittens) in the Esquire 50 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time thread.

by taz

Lit Listicle

Photo of several of the books included in the listimage via Book Riot

Metafilter members are discussing's list of 20 genre-defying sci-fi books that broke the mold.

by taz

Smooth Criminal?

Black and white cartoon style silhouette of a bad guy in hat and cape looking back over his shouldermodified from an original image from Gareth Simpson on flickr

In Ask Metafilter, Not A Thing is looking for Skilful criminals criming skilfully: "Donald Westlake/Parker fans, what have you found that scratches a similar itch? I'm looking for something where a criminal is at the center of the story: no cops, wannabe cops or vigilantes. Like a police procedural, but for the other side."

by taz

"My work feels more like that of a detective than an editor"

Three tall stacks of old and vintage books, spines facing front, with different, colorful bindings and covers.Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

There's a growing band of people digging through library stacks and second-hand bookshops in search of lost classics. I'm one of them. Wobbuffet posted Lucy Scholes' Meet the archive moles about surfacing worthy forgotten or overlooked books for reprint, with links to houses publishing recovered works.

by taz

The United States of Fiction

Greetings from Sunny California. (pcard-print-pub-pc-59a)Greetings from Sunny California. (pcard-print-pub-pc-59a) by Fæ (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, tatiana wishbone says "as a reading challenge, I’d like to read the best novel set in each US state. What are your favorites?"

by taz

"My father is still known"

B o o k sB o o k s by Kate Mereand (cc by)

There are ghosts in all those haunted basements who are worth knowing. And there's no shame in being one of those ghosts: MrVisible with a poignant reflection on underloved books and their authors in the literary rejection thread.

by taz


Summer readingSummer reading by miyagisan (cc by-nc-nd)

In Ask Metafilter, I'm on staycation in a week and want to spend a good part of my time in my backyard, off the internet and social media, with my nose jammed into a book that I can't put down.

by taz

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