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Posts tagged with MobyDick

"All truth is profound"

Moby Dick - Herman Melville (Club français du livre, 1964)Moby Dick - Herman Melville (Club français du livre, 1964) by -ep- (cc by)

I'm reading Moby Dick. It's fun! But I'm sure I'm missing a lot. This is where you come in ... wooh is looking for good explanations and analyses for our favorite great white whale.

by taz

The briny deep and the bright blue sky

Seafloor Surveys After KatrinaSeafloor Surveys After Katrina by NOAA Images

bassomatic says, "my dad and his team of underwater archaeologists were the first to find an ancient shipwreck using side-scan sonar..."

Scary stories and freaky facts about oxygen deprivation at altitude

How does a scuba diver smell shipwreck cheese underwater? And some other ancient foods, eaten in the name of science

AskMe offers some resources on cloudwatching for beginners

Moby Dick is fabulous - Mefites talk Melville and subtext, and what you thought of classic novels before you read them, and the linked writer drops by to respond

Submersible finds glowy purple orb in the depths

And finally, that pressing question, what if I fell out of an airplane in a tank full of water?

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





