oversized ... or disjointed in style
Hello! Professional architectural historian checking in here ... Preserver addresses Mchelly's question about "McMansion" as architectural nomenclature.
Hello! Professional architectural historian checking in here ... Preserver addresses Mchelly's question about "McMansion" as architectural nomenclature.
image via AromaPrime
paduasoy posts an article from Current Archaeology about Aroma Prime, a company creating historical scents, including the smells of dinosaurs, dodos, mummification, candlemakers, ether, vintage sweets and the Wicker Man.
via BBC.com
Fizz posted Titanic: First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before, the first full-sized digital scan of the Titanic, with visualizations pieced together from 700,000 images collected by remote controlled submersibles. (Title via pthomas745 in the comments!)
paduasoy posted "English Historical Fiction Authors," a group blog that has been going since 2011, where researchers and novelists post about British history. "There are posts about wool and war, Schools of Gardening for Ladies, beds and bugs, aspirin, theatrical censorship, magazines, tours of Ruthin and Snowdon, slipcoat cheese and posset, subversive fairy tales, and The Learned Pig," and more linked selections. Lovely.
image via Miss T.Horn
My great-uncle was in a cell in the French Resistance during WWII ... An intriguing question about a 50-year old mystery photo location from Miss T.Horn, and a fabulous answer 37 minutes later by essexjan.
Explosion! by Rickydavid (cc by-nc-nd)
"I saw Moby naked! And I didn't like it at all!" — loquacious. Hey, mefites are discussing the Rolling Stones "When Rock Stars Screw Up" article!🤘🏼
In Ask Metafilter, iamsuper asks, How unfashionable were the medieval poor? "How fast did fashion spread in, say, medieval times, or Tudor times? Would people living in remote areas perhaps be wearing clothes that were 100 years or more out of fashion? Or would fashions evolve at similar speeds to today?"
columbo by whatleydude (cc by)
That time Peter Falk stopped a revolt in Romania? Kattullus posts about the great Decoder Ring podcasts examining this mystery. Oh, and there's just one more thing... in the comments DirtyOldTown talks about Irina Nistor and the "delightful documentary called Chuck Norris vs. Communism"
image via Chronoscope World
If you missed it, be sure to check out vacapinta's post on the excellent Chronoscope World, "a time machine to explore the history of the world by browsing maps dating back to 14th century B.C.," with more than 4,200 high-resolution maps.
Image via thepinknews.com
"Using recent breakthroughs in photo editing techniques, Eli colorizes, restores, and digitizes photos from queer and trans history. The following images are originally from 1897-1973." Great post from creatrixtiara!
gilded bronze head of Minerva at the temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath
misteraitch has posted Finding Britain’s Lost Gods, "the first four of an on-going series of hour-long lectures at Gresham College by cravat-wearing historian Ronald Hutton"
When I was a student in the mid-90s, there was a cubicle in one of the University ladies’ toilets that was “the problem toilet.” It was like a problem page...
Great comment by penguin pie on wowenthusiast's question about pre-internet physical bulletin boards.
Image via Aeon Magazine
"For more than 200 years, children have been neglected by archaeologists. It was part of a disciplinary bias towards adult men in archaeological interpretations. This began to change in the 1970s and ’80s with the rise of feminist archaeology and the archaeology of gender..." cgc373 posted Aeon Magazine's article by April Nowell.
Fire dancing by Scrap Pile (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter: "It's one or three or ten centuries ago. Somebody's ancestors gather around a fire and pretty soon, spontaneous music breaks out, a few people start dancing, everybody winds up happy and breathless. But what I need to know is, if the songs aren't from the US, Canada, the UK or Ireland, or from Western Europe, what does the music sound like? I'm making a YouTube Music playlist to write a fun cozy fantasy novel to and I need help finding instrumental music from different traditions."
Wintersweet asks about antique party tunes outside the Anglosphere / Western Europe.
gingerbeer points out Richard Thompson's "1000 Years of Popular Music" in this week's free thread. "Playboy asked a select group of musicians to choose their ten favorite songs of the past millennium. Richard Thompson, believing what Playboy REALLY wanted were only songs from the last 20 years, took them literally. He gave Playboy EXACTLY what they asked for. He chose the best songs of the last 1000 years. Thompson never heard from them again."
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.