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Posts tagged with Games

"Friday Flash Fun Forever"

Flashpoint logo in a red circle surrounded by two circular rows of small logos of flash-based games and software

Rhaomi posted a labor of love featuring the Flashpoint Archive preservation project with over 145,000 preserved Flash games, plus highlights, more emulators, more games, tips, background, new software and more. If you miss Flash Fridays, definitely *don't* miss this post!

by taz

"an implausible profusion of original tabletop games"

Internet lore tells us the story of Cheapass Games, founded by prolific gamemaker James Ernest in 1996 ... JHarris posts about Ernest's new (2020) Crab Fragment Labs, "offering an array of both pay-what-you-want-to-print and paid-for-physical products: card games, board games, quick-playing and easy-to-learn pub games, solitaire games and a wide assortment of the best of the old Cheapass Games in Cheapassic Park."

by taz

Idle Hands

Play Free Now

Mafia Donna mobile game ad screenshot

I work in the space and have a few observations ... Jilder shares insider insight on those bizarre free-to-play mobile games / ads.

by taz

How Puzzling!

Squardle screenshot via

Daily puzzles in art, geography, and more (also, see this Ask Metafilter question)

by taz


Game BoxGame Box by M.G.N. - Marcel ON OF (cc by-nc-nd)

everything happens so much! what can I play? "What are some good recent video games that don't suffer if you are frequently interrupted?"

by taz

gaming without the grinding

PortalPortal by AaronPriestPhoto

In Ask Metafilter, unus sum says, "I'm looking for a longish video games to sink my teeth into. I find it nice to have a video game where I can solve interesting problems that don't actually matter as a way to relax..."

by taz

Just Fun, No Fooling

FunFun by ::: mindgraph ::: (cc by-nc-nd)

Join the right day, wrong century Exquisite Corpse game underway in Metatalk, or dip into Uncle Mefi's Big Book of Beans for some solo activity game fun!

by taz

underappreciated, underinitiated, undiscovered?

image of Hiversaires game screen on a tabletHiversaires launch trailer screenshot

In Ask Metafilter, serathen is looking for single player PC games for the underinitiated, and in case you missed it previously, Going To Maine asked Mefites for interesting gems in the Racial Justice & Inequality Bundle, while recently in Metafilter, a post on games designer Bennett Foddy's picks for the most under-appreciated games of the 2010s (with links!), and xedrik throws in some favorites that could use more love, too.

by taz

Campfire bonding games

CampfireCampfire by Jason Pratt (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, quiet coyote is looking for "good discussion-based games for 6 adults to play as a group that don't involve supplies other than pen and paper, and ideally help us learn more about each other rather than just passing the time."

Meanwhile, over in Mefi Music, the most favorited tracks of the past week have been: Workman 9 to 5; A Grand Unslam; Trapeze Act; Time (the Revelator)

by taz

April Fun indoor scavenger hunt

Come join our April non-fools day Indoor Scavenger Hunt! Can you find all the things? Post a photo or poem etc of your finds, and suggest things for people to seek.

Live Long and Puzzle On

image of a logic puzzle

Wolfdog has posted the logic puzzle blog, Grandmaster Puzzles, featuring "elegant, hand-crafted designs written by some of the world's best puzzle constructors" ... and Mefites have some more recs in comments.

by taz

Menu A La Card

Steampunk Pirates cards by Nat IwataSteampunk Pirates cards by Nat Iwata at

misteraitch reveals a full house in his post on the World of Playing Cards, "a living encyclopaedia of the history and visual art of playing cards"

by taz

Animal Crossing
Playing that new Animal Crossing mobile game? Come swap friend codes with MeFites!

by cortex

Breathe In, Breathe Out ...

between the yearsbetween the years by AlicePopkorn (cc by-nc-nd)

Need some calming games? Fizz posts Self-Care Jam Games, "meant to give you a moment to breathe, reflect, literally take care of yourself," and members add some of their favorite calming games in the thread.

by taz

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