The Sims 1 - (The Original Life Sim) via YouTube
The best Sims post ever built. Flagged as fanatic.
The Sims 1 - (The Original Life Sim) via YouTube
The best Sims post ever built. Flagged as fanatic.
The Final Pam screenshot
Rhaomi posts about one of the funniest goddamn things ever published on the internet – McElroy brothers' Monster Factory vids, with beloved faves ... and new episodes!
Gorogoa game artwork
derbyshire is looking for fun puzzle video games to play as a family.
Nice weekly free thread discussing the games we play! Don't miss Wobbuffet's commentary about the history of parlor games from antiquity to the present, and how old games reveal themselves in modern equivalents.
Sure, you probably know there are major and minor scales. But unless you're really into music theory you might not realize those scales come in a whole variety of flavors called "modes"... Goofy, threatening, mysterious, devastating, relaxing: Zargon X posted 8-Bit Music Theory's analysis videos that use game music to illustrate modes.
I work in the space and have a few observations ... Jilder shares insider insight on those bizarre free-to-play mobile games / ads.
Game Box by M.G.N. - Marcel ON OF (cc by-nc-nd)
everything happens so much! what can I play? "What are some good recent video games that don't suffer if you are frequently interrupted?"
In Ask Metafilter, unus sum says, "I'm looking for a longish video games to sink my teeth into. I find it nice to have a video game where I can solve interesting problems that don't actually matter as a way to relax..."
Hiversaires launch trailer screenshot
In Ask Metafilter, serathen is looking for single player PC games for the underinitiated, and in case you missed it previously, Going To Maine asked Mefites for interesting gems in the Racial Justice & Inequality Bundle, while recently in Metafilter, a post on games designer Bennett Foddy's picks for the most under-appreciated games of the 2010s (with links!), and xedrik throws in some favorites that could use more love, too.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.