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Posts tagged with Boardgames

"Cardboard Empire"

photo of a teetotum, an ivory device similar to a top, with a 6-sided die on a spindle for spinning.via, Teetotums were used in an era when dice were associated with vice. Museum Rotterdam/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA

Wobbuffet has a lovely, expansive post on the early history of geographical board games, with a special look at America's first board game, 1822's "The Travellers' Tour Through the United States" in which "whoever gets to New Orleans first, wins." A timeless goal, indeed!

by taz

All Fun and Games

Close-up photo showing the edge of a monopoly board with the race car playing piece on the Go To Jail square and a small red plastic house on an adjacent square

Nice weekly free thread discussing the games we play! Don't miss Wobbuffet's commentary about the history of parlor games from antiquity to the present, and how old games reveal themselves in modern equivalents.

by taz

We put on our robe and our wizard hat ...

atmospheric photo of 2 multi-sided gaming dice with colorful bokeh lights in backgroundPhoto by Scott Swigart on Flickr

Wobbuffet casts a mage hand with a smashing megathread for Dungeons & Dragons 50th birthday (more or less)! 🐉

by taz

"an implausible profusion of original tabletop games"

Internet lore tells us the story of Cheapass Games, founded by prolific gamemaker James Ernest in 1996 ... JHarris posts about Ernest's new (2020) Crab Fragment Labs, "offering an array of both pay-what-you-want-to-print and paid-for-physical products: card games, board games, quick-playing and easy-to-learn pub games, solitaire games and a wide assortment of the best of the old Cheapass Games in Cheapassic Park."

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





