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Posts tagged with film

"OMG! I read about this in Cinemagic back in the day, but never saw it until just now"

Will Hart Holding Mike Jittlov on His Right Shoulder - The Wizard of Speed and Time PAL VHS Cover - 1988Will Hart Holding Mike Jittlov on His Right Shoulder - The Wizard of Speed and Time PAL VHS Cover - 1988 by CthulhuWho1 (Will Hart) (cc by)

Passed hand-to-hand among geeks on VHS and screened at sci fi cons in the 1980s, flash back to The Wizard of Speed and Time, a stop-motion live-action superhero short handmade by Mike Jittlov in 1979, and the cult feature film it inspired. First post by turtlebackriding.

"if that's all stop motion he's a fucking genius!" Madman, genius--the line is so fine.

Came all this way and didn't get to kill anybody

Hannibal RisingHannibal Rising

For those suffering Hannibal withdrawal, here's a reminder that the fannibals are still dissecting the last episode in FanFare, with over 1,000 comments (wherein Kitteh executes a real-life Mads and Gillian Fanfare.Metafilter photo op!), plus the brand new Cannibal Club has cooked up some ideas for those hungry for more, including a club talk post to discuss the book "Hannibal Rising" in anticipation of a movie re-watch. Dig in, my fiends.

by taz

Cinema Serendipities

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past LivesUncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

In Ask Me, phunniemee asks Give me your recommendations for creeping, meandering, dream-like movies! Meanwhile, back at FanFare something's brewing with naju ... and Strange Club ("strange & sublime, bizarre & beautiful, arthouse-leaning, unclassifiable") lurches to ecstatic life, with a first viewing set for Aug 12 and first post Aug 17.

by taz

Ley Lines II

Finnish Beer Float via kaljakellunta.orgFinnish Beer Float via

Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:

"Who Killed Captain Alex: Uganda's First Action Movie" was produced, written, directed, shot, and edited by Nabwana IGG from his home in Wakaliga, Uganda for under $200, using real blood and a modified car jack for a tripod

In Cesena, Italy, a year long-project of getting one thousand musicians to play Foo Fighter's "Learn To Fly," in an effort to convince the band to do a show in their town

The annual beer float in Helsinki, Finland just kind of happens (note to self: poss Mefi competitive sport idea?)

Malaysian schoolkids perform choral speaking, a Greek-theatre-inspired cross between spoken word and choir

by taz

Bill of FFare

HipstersHipsters by idealisms (cc by)

In case anyone's missed it, here's a reminder that FanFare's newish "Watercooler" page offers a quick look at what discussions have been most active recently (and you can see recently added TV and films on the FF front page sidebar), and FanFare Clubs has some fun things going on, including:

The Criterion on Hulu Club has added a second film per week, voted on from Criterion's selection of films available for free to non-Hulu subscribers

The Bond Club has been having a good time love/hate/grudge-watching smoove ol' 007, and is about halfway through the oeuvre; not too late to join in and possibly be shaken, if not stirred.

The Mefi Horror Club has been busily skulking and scurrying around the dark places, and just posted Killer Klowns from Outer Space. brrrr.

(also, psst, you can start your own club, and discuss it first in FanFare Talk, if you'd like)

by taz


Support films made by and about people of color!

Jaguar has compiled a great linked list in the Run Time: 8 Seconds thread.

by taz

Got it in one!

The Amazing Extreme EquilibriumThe Amazing Extreme Equilibrium by Vitor Sá Photo (cc by-nc)

Dirtdirt asks for examples of when an actor pulled off some ridiculous unlikely thing on film, ideally on the first try.

by taz

Documentary recommendations

when.we.were.VHS-izedwhen.we.were.VHS-ized by Ludovico Sinz [Cane Rosso (busy!)] (cc by)

MeFites recommend some documentaries.

by gnfti

Dodging and burning effects in 1950s television?

Dancers on The Judy Garland Show (1964)Dancers on The Judy Garland Show (1964) A few illuminating answers to a question about why some old Twilight Zone episodes can look especially creepy. Meet the term, and the MeFite, orthicon halo.

by jessamyn

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