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Posts tagged with amazing

In the Trenches

exterior night photo of a Waffle HouseBreakfast at Waffle House by rpavich (cc by)

Vigilant talks about life behind the counter at Waffle House in the rather mind-blowing Waffle House training video thread.

by taz


Bullseye - Arrow on TargetBullseye - Arrow on Target by gfdnova1 (cc by-sa)

"There is clearly very little AskMetaFilter can’t figure out": in response to an "impossible" question, not only does the first reply nail the answer, the actual subject of the query turns out to be another member, who shows up to fulfill the wish. Delightful!

by taz

Harmonica and minds: Completely Blown

A man with shoulder-length blonde hair and black sleeveless t-shirt in studio setting playing harmonica with intense concentrationWill Wilde video screen cap

A truly astonishing Free Bird harmonica solo, plus interesting insight and context from msbrauer.

by taz

indistinguishable from magic

close up drawing of a robot hand drawing a robot handA robot draws itself, by OpenAI's DALL·E 2

Please do not miss Rhaomi's Opus DALL·E 2 on "the extraordinary new AI that creates anything you can imagine in a matter of seconds," including examples, explainers, demos, other projects and breakthroughs, fun stuff, deep fakes and more from the new age of synthetic media that will "hit you like a digital blitzkrieg."

by taz

Below the Surface

image of an assemblage of artifactsan assemblage of artifacts at

Amsterdam drained a canal and put everything they found online, piece by piece, chronologically, and you can see it all ... mygothlaundry's "Under Amsterdam" post is spectacular.

by taz

Got it in one!

The Amazing Extreme EquilibriumThe Amazing Extreme Equilibrium by Vitor Sá Photo (cc by-nc)

Dirtdirt asks for examples of when an actor pulled off some ridiculous unlikely thing on film, ideally on the first try.

by taz

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MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher





