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Posts tagged with OpenAI

"I am using it ecstatically"

A creative and surreal image of a smartphone on a table, with a 3D effect showing a humpback whale breaching out of the phone screen as if emerging from the ocean. Water splashes surround the whale, blending the phone's screen with the realistic ocean scene.image via

Ryvar comments with details and insights on Deepseek in _benj's post OpenAI Furious DeepSeek Might Have Stolen All the Data OpenAI Stole From

by taz

Speech-to-text with Whisper

In A Whisper - 1920x1200In A Whisper - 1920x1200 by /\lex (cc by)

Whisper, from OpenAI, is an open source tool you can run on your own computer that "approaches human level robustness and accuracy on English speech recognition"

by taz

Dreaming of Electric Sheep

Apocalyptic giant flying bioluminescent jellyfish destroying a city, digital art

Rhaomi entertained the Saturday night crowd in Metatalk by fulfilling requests for art by OpenAI's DALL-E 2

by taz

indistinguishable from magic

close up drawing of a robot hand drawing a robot handA robot draws itself, by OpenAI's DALL·E 2

Please do not miss Rhaomi's Opus DALL·E 2 on "the extraordinary new AI that creates anything you can imagine in a matter of seconds," including examples, explainers, demos, other projects and breakthroughs, fun stuff, deep fakes and more from the new age of synthetic media that will "hit you like a digital blitzkrieg."

by taz

Plate of Beans in the Style of HR Giger

AI illustrated art that looks a lot like pile of black beansocschwar's A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors

This stuff is crazy, it's like someone found a alien spaceship in the desert and hooked the warp engine to its own tailpipe to answer questions about the universe. RobotVoodooPower

Cash4Lead has posted Alien Dreams: An Emerging Art Scene about AI generated art based on text prompts, and mefites have been dipping a toe in.

by taz

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