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Posts tagged with metatalk

New merch!
We've got designs for t-shirts, stickers, and magnets. Check them all out!

Looking Back

"for educational purposes only"

still of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark in black and white

Mefites are discussing Steven Soderbergh's black-and-white cut of Raiders of the Lost Ark with music by Trent Reznor and no dialog. Are there other films that are better in black and white? Molesome knows some.

Meanwhile, over in Metatalk, Last day to submit to Mefi Music Swap, MeFi Mag revisited, MetatalkMimosas: Your Music Muse!, Updated Community Guidelines, and Site Update #1.

by taz

How do I help with the protests?

How about some fun community indoor activities?

"BUSY CITY" by jjlcooterpie (cc by)

Discussion in Metatalk

by taz


MeTa: Check-in thread

MeFi Wiki: ThereIsHelp Resources

MeFi: Modeling the outbreak, Real-time visualizations, Rumor control

AskMe: Managing anxiety, managing travel, getting good information, Meal Planning for the Pandemic

Mefi IRL: IRL now has an "Online" category for virtual meetups

FAQ: We've added a site FAQ for Coronavirus posting and commenting tips, as well as site help and resources

Chat / FanFare: We've opened a "Watch" room in Chat for those who'd like it for livewatch events

[This post is being updated as new posts / features are added]

by jessamyn

More in Metatalk: The Mefi Mall is open, and you can add your shop now; MeFites for the Holidays is the spot for members who want to make connections for some seasonal bonhomie; Thinking About a Post is a thread for people to talk about posts they'd like to see or collaborate on; and finally, the current Metatalktail Hour's topic asking what obsolete technology members are skilled in is a lot of fun, if you haven't checked it out.


2019 Climate Strike

MeFites around the world share what they are doing for the climate strike.

Metatalk for members with neurodivergence and/or mental illness to discuss site experiences and accommodations

There's a Metatalk discussing how members with neurodivergence or mental illness experience the site; come on in and share your experiences.

An open thread for Mefites of color

Following on the suggestion from last month's discussions, an open Metatalk thread for Mefites of color.

Zamboni's List

Sidney Hall’s (1831) astronomical chart illustration of the Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officinal Scupltoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.Sidney Hall’s (1831) astronomical chart illustration of the Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officinal Scupltoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. by Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel (cc by)

Zamboni shares his list of fave devices, gadgets, gizmos, utensils, machines, mechanisms, contraptions, apparatuses, appliances, implements, and instruments in last week's Metatalktail Hour discussion on tools. (This week's cozy convo is about the most ordinary thing you've never done.)

by taz

Telephone Pictionary
Sign up to join your fellow Mefites in playing Telephone Pictionary!

after the week we've had...

are you feeling like you really, really need a laugh or two? MetaTalkTail hour has you covered with member choices for "The Best Memes!"

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





