How do I help with the protests?
A Metatalk thread collecting resources for anti-racism activism and funding
A Metatalk thread collecting resources for anti-racism activism and funding
MeTa: Check-in thread
MeFi Wiki: ThereIsHelp Resources
MeFi: Modeling the outbreak, Real-time visualizations, Rumor control
AskMe: Managing anxiety, managing travel, getting good information, Meal Planning for the Pandemic
Mefi IRL: IRL now has an "Online" category for virtual meetups
FAQ: We've added a site FAQ for Coronavirus posting and commenting tips, as well as site help and resources
Chat / FanFare: We've opened a "Watch" room in Chat for those who'd like it for livewatch events
[This post is being updated as new posts / features are added]
More in Metatalk: The Mefi Mall is open, and you can add your shop now; MeFites for the Holidays is the spot for members who want to make connections for some seasonal bonhomie; Thinking About a Post is a thread for people to talk about posts they'd like to see or collaborate on; and finally, the current Metatalktail Hour's topic asking what obsolete technology members are skilled in is a lot of fun, if you haven't checked it out.
Mefi Gift Swap: the Secret Quonsar 2019 sign-up thread is open for business!
MeFites around the world share what they are doing for the climate strike.
Hurricane Dorian Check-In Thread now in Metatalk
There's a Metatalk discussing how members with neurodivergence or mental illness experience the site; come on in and share your experiences.
Following on the suggestion from last month's discussions, an open Metatalk thread for Mefites of color.
Zamboni shares his list of fave devices, gadgets, gizmos, utensils, machines, mechanisms, contraptions, apparatuses, appliances, implements, and instruments in last week's Metatalktail Hour discussion on tools. (This week's cozy convo is about the most ordinary thing you've never done.)
Telephone Pictionary
Sign up to join your fellow Mefites in playing Telephone Pictionary!
are you feeling like you really, really need a laugh or two? MetaTalkTail hour has you covered with member choices for "The Best Memes!"
Mugs! Get your mugs! Specifically, get this "Note: everyone needs a mug" mug, available now! Here's the MetaTalk announcement.
In MetaTalk, stoneweaver suggests using the tag HopefulSummer (or HopefulWinter for our antipodean Mefites) for theme posts about positive and hopeful things.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.