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Posts tagged with science

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

screen shot of tiny toad jumping

Itsy frog will make you feel positively competent: moonmilk offers a post that asks Why Is This Tiny Frog So Awful At Jumping?, an interesting discussion ensues, and the primroses were over observes, who among us has not been so bad at something that our sheer incompetence has become a matter of scientific inquiry? Excellent point.

by taz

gut microbiota & you

uBiome - Microbiome Sequencing Gut Bacteria Sample KituBiome - Microbiome Sequencing Gut Bacteria Sample Kit by Tony Webster (cc by)

In an interesting thread about "rethinking healthy eating in light of the gut microbiome," ASF Tod und Schwerkraft shares some enlightening commentary on why the results of microbiome research is always much more complicated and less definitive than science reporting makes it sound.

by taz

Ore You Going to Eat That?

Theme Week

Title art from the 1985 film Weird Science

📈🚀🔬👩🏽‍🔬👀⁉️ We're having theme weeks as part of our fundraising month, and the theme for this week is WEIRD SCIENCE! Also currently in Metatalk, Show Us Your View!

by taz

Tagged "Truthiness"

IMG_6734IMG_6734 by dvdmnk (cc by)

In AskMetafilter, soylent00FF00 says, "I've learned that I was wrong (dead wrong!) about a couple of scientific "facts" that I had assumed were kind of "general knowledge" (for a certain nerdy sciencey kind of person), and asks, What sciencey general-knowledge "truths" did you (and presumably "everyone") believe in, that you realized were not true?

by taz

Focus on ADHD

ADHDADHD by PracticalCures (cc by)

brainwane has a couple of great posts up about ADHD: The World Federation of ADHD's International Consensus Statement of 208 Evidence-based conclusions about the disorder, and "this was like discovering DNA", about David Cain's (Raptitude) ADHD diagnosis.

by taz

Old enough to know better

View of the Appalachian MountainsView of the Appalachian Mountains by David Hilowitz (cc by)

Geologist cubeb brings a bit of temporal perspective (and a much better slogan than "diamonds are forever") to the thread for Karmakaze's post on the incomprehensible antiquity of the Appalachian mountains.

by taz

" I knew that I had to make a change to that"

Mind the Gap partial book cover image

Twenty-year old Malone Mukwende, a second-year medical student at St George’s, University of London is working to correct white bias in medical textbooks. The aim of this booklet is to educate students and essential allied health care professionals on the importance of recognising that certain clinical signs do not present the same on darker skin." Mind the Gap: A Handbook of Clinical Signs in Black and Brown Skin

by taz

Origins and Interactions

ACA_4653ACA_4653 by Alessandro Caproni (cc by)

Very interesting post from dhruva on DNA analysis showing that Polynesians and Native Americans met 800 years ago, including a great comment in the thread from atrazine, who explains in detail some of the reactions to the article: The disagreement with some archaeologists seems to be not the genetic analysis but the hypothesis around where the mixing occurred ...

by taz

Olfaction Reaction Expansion

ποντίκι / μυς, mouse (Mus musculus) by George Shuklinποντίκι / μυς, mouse (Mus musculus) by George Shuklin by dullhunk (cc by)

... this is cool, important, and well done research. But as in most cases, we should be cautious in making assumptions about how broadly it applies

biogeo offers an outstanding, detailed backgrounder in the Turning off intergenerational trauma in mice thread.

by taz

Tick Talk Time

Deer Tick!Deer Tick! by (cc by-nc-nd)

Blasdelb offers a fantastic explainer in Too-Ticky's thread on "weaponized ticks."

by taz

Stare, Displace, Charge, Stare

A cat is posed seated on a chair in front of another cat operating a camera.A cat is posed seated on a chair in front of another cat operating a camera. by Beverly & Pack (cc by)

Mefites imagine results as a text-based cat adventure game in the thread for not_on_display's "researchers study cats wearing cameras" post, plus some Mefelines' 24-hr diaries transcribed, and we are introduced to tula's tiny-camera enabled narrative_cat Instagram (!): She's the artist, I curate.

by taz

Fighting the Blight

Kunes Camp Trail (17)Kunes Camp Trail (17) by Nicholas_T (cc by)

Plant pathologist here: hey, we're working on it! acrasis explains some of the challenges of working with forest tree diseases in Fizz's post on the struggle to fight the catastrophic decimation of the American Chestnut Tree.

by taz

Your diamond eyes that shine

T-rexT-rex by Madclicks (cc by)

yet another limited resource in which many of the haves are winning over the have-nots: Barchan offers valuable insight on the multitude of issues surrounding the controversy of the Baby T. Rex listing on eBay

by taz

Some Pig!

Flying PigsFlying Pigs by BugMan50 (cc by-nc)

the electrophysiological component is in my wheelhouse ... biogeo does a fantastic job of breaking down various aspects of that news story about scientists restoring some activity in dead-pig brains.

by taz

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