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Posts tagged with home

Indoor Workout

Roll-Up Yoga Mat on a White BackgroundRoll-Up Yoga Mat on a White Background by wuestenigel (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, I want to work on my physical fitness, but I don't want to leave my house.

by taz

Show us your pretties!

infini artworkinfini's Girl in the Wind by Midori Takaki

I'm feeling the need for some beauty and some MeFite sharing, so let's see (and/or read about) your favorite object of beauty in your living space

In Metatalk, Eyebrows McGee invites us up to share our etchings!

by taz

This Bears Watching

3-eyed Bear3-eyed Bear by Brandon James Scott (cc by-nc-nd)

Please Don't Ursinate in Pool! – Atom Eyes

Shibori's first post about a video of a home pool invasion by bears is a fun thread with some great anecdotes from nevercalm and Nerd of the North.:

a bear that is not much larger than a traditional stuffed teddy bear is quite strong enough to do whatever it wants, fuck you very much

After several months of eating nothing but salmon, you'd be pretty desperate for a Breath Saver, too.

"I don't know," I said. "What do you think it is? I have an idea but it's kind of disgusting."

by taz

Spa Me!

Sole SearchingSole Searching by ladyb (cc by-nd)

Great suggestions from barchan in response to "Help a girl on a budget have a spa day in the privacy of her own home," including links to DIY pampering concoctions.

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





