Indoor Workout
Roll-Up Yoga Mat on a White Background by wuestenigel (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, I want to work on my physical fitness, but I don't want to leave my house.
Roll-Up Yoga Mat on a White Background by wuestenigel (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, I want to work on my physical fitness, but I don't want to leave my house.
infini's Girl in the Wind by Midori Takaki
I'm feeling the need for some beauty and some MeFite sharing, so let's see (and/or read about) your favorite object of beauty in your living space
In Metatalk, Eyebrows McGee invites us up to share our etchings!
3-eyed Bear by Brandon James Scott (cc by-nc-nd)
Please Don't Ursinate in Pool! – Atom Eyes
Shibori's first post about a video of a home pool invasion by bears is a fun thread with some great anecdotes from nevercalm and Nerd of the North.:
"I don't know," I said. "What do you think it is? I have an idea but it's kind of disgusting."
Sole Searching by ladyb (cc by-nd)
Great suggestions from barchan in response to "Help a girl on a budget have a spa day in the privacy of her own home," including links to DIY pampering concoctions.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.