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Posts tagged with TV

Weird Fiction Sweet Spot

mostly black and white manipulated photo of the entrance to Luna Park on Coney IslandSci Fi Park by Julio A Gonzalez (cc by)

Sci Fi / paranormal shows minus the horror? Member Bigbootay. Tay! Tay! Blam! Aargh... has a big! big! list. Blam!

by taz

84 hours of irreverent Christmas comedy and specials

WatchingWatching by Marcin Wichary (cc by)

Come one, come all and gather around the computer screen for our 10th annual holiday fun of irreverent Christmas comedy and specials! Starting at noon eastern time on December 22, community member JHarris is leading the charge into destressing! It's time to relax and chat, while watching all sorts of movies and fun! This will last for just a little over three days (through Dec 25), so feel free to drop and out as you please!

You Done Messed Up A-ARON!

Jordan Peele / Keegan-Michael KeyJordan Peele / Keegan-Michael Key by Peabody Awards (cc by)

It's Thursday and that means we're "throwing back", this time to 2015 and Rhaomi's spectacular post showcasing highlights from the tv show Key and Peele! Come for the laughs and sharp commentary and stay for the same!

I'm Doctor Frasier Crane, and I'm animated

screenshots from the animated collaboration Our Fraiser RemakeScreenshots from the project An absolutely amazing animation, highlighted by Seekerofsplendor, where over 130 artists have collaborated to recreate a single episode of the American sitcom 'Fraiser'.

TV worth watching!

photo of streaming menu on a television

Kat Allison shared a post about the 40 Best Stand-Alone TV Episodes (Slate) and reactions to it are great. Check out the various and wide ranging alternate suggestions in the comments!

Why do some people call a remote control a clicker?

" of the most influential and intriguing buttons in history." Community member brundlefly links to a story of the Zenith Space Command, one of the earliest examples of a remote control for television. Many memories ensue!

#metafilter #bestofmetafilter #retro #remotecontrol #remote #tv #television #history, #zenithspacecommand #cllicker

"laid out with merciless iron-clad logic"

Black and white photo of the cast of Succession facing the camera and posing against a white background

The dread was this mix of "No fucking way, it makes no fucking sense, it couldn't be ... it couldn't," and this deeper recognition that, on some level, it had to be. Tom Hanks Cannot Be Trusted takes a deep dive on the "Succession" finale in Fanfare.

by taz

"Murder most horrid"

collage style promo for Magpie Murders with characters Susan Ryeland and Atticus Pünd with a flock of circling magpies in the sky, a single magpie on a bare tree limb, and a sprawling Georgian (?) mansion in the far backgroundRecommended: Magpie Murders

In Ask Metafilter, I'm an Agatha Christie adaptation addict, who's run out of Agatha Christie adaptations to watch. Please help. Unicorn chaser is looking for "that Christie vibe."

by taz

"the problem was Romania had run out of episodes of Columbo"

columbocolumbo by whatleydude (cc by)

That time Peter Falk stopped a revolt in Romania? Kattullus posts about the great Decoder Ring podcasts examining this mystery. Oh, and there's just one more thing... in the comments DirtyOldTown talks about Irina Nistor and the "delightful documentary called Chuck Norris vs. Communism"

by taz

"need more suggestions!"

Sparton Sparton "Saguenay" Television (Model 23M4-C), circa 1960 - Advertising Postcard by Shook Photos (cc by)

We watch entirely too much TV. Help us watch more. In Ask Metafilter, paper scissors sock is looking for the crime drama and dark comedy/dramedy sweet spot.

by taz

"They wanted to democratize television"

Current TV logo looking like a waving flag with large white capital letters spelling CURRENT on a black background

I was with Current TV from the launch in 2005 through 2008: Molasses808 remembers the early years of Current TV in poorchanticleer's thread asking about how to find user created shorts from the channel.

by taz


less-murdery, plz

ThanksgivingDogShowThanksgivingDogShow by krossbow (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, Find me gentle, fictional, happy ending TV.

by taz

Crimin' on my mind

Ransom NoteRansom Note by docoverachiever (cc by)

In Ask Mefi, clarinet wonders, What do I watch after Criminal Minds?, while alex1965 is in search of Gripping, suspenseful podcasts that have a definite resolution, and bookmammal is looking for True Crime Documentaries, and also wants to know, Do you read true crime? Please tell me about your favorite books.

Meanwhile, in FanFare, miss-lapin has posted Thought Crimes: The Case of the Cannibal Cop, and in Metafilter, blue shadows brings us a story of "The Wildest Insurance Fraud Scheme Texas Has Ever Seen": Over a decade, Theodore Robert Wright III destroyed cars, yachts, and planes. That was only the half of it.

by taz


Series poster with the words Lovecraft Country on black background

Mefites are talking about Lovecraft Country on the blue, and in Fanfare.

by taz

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