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Posts tagged with mystery

The Case of the Tricky Transom

A bold face: 266 West 11th Street (1887), Greenwich Village, New YorkA bold face: 266 West 11th Street (1887), Greenwich Village, New York by Spencer Means (cc by-sa)

In Ask Metafilter, Fiasco da Gama has an illuminating answer for jolenex4's investigation into the mystery of Miss Strange and the fanlight over the door.

by taz

ISO Weird Mysteries

postcard from the day you left, collage, 2020postcard from the day you left, collage, 2020 by yumikrum (cc by-nc-nd)

In Ask Metafilter, azalea_chant is looking for "mysteries that deviate from the standard structure/genre tropes etc. Can be fantasy or science fiction, literary, whatever ... just stuff that’s slightly different"

by taz

Alonna? Moana? Ohana? Hosanna?

Dawn Chorus LinesDawn Chorus Lines by Gunn Shots ! (cc by)

Trespassers William is looking for a song with a certain chorus. Does it ring a bell? (and don't miss this handy suggestion for Google's "hum to search," from an earlier "what's this song" post)

by taz

Ghost Weed?

Just Like Queen Nefertiti - 2017Just Like Queen Nefertiti - 2017 by Jurassic Blueberries (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, An odoriferous mystery

by taz

A Short (hand?) Mystery

QuestionQuestion by hikabu

In Ask Metafilter: can anyone make sense of these glyphs/symbols?

by taz

At last my love has come along 🎶

valentine4valentine4 by Emmaline (cc by-nc-nd)

RobotVoodooPower solves the weird delayed Valentine’s day text messages mystery.

Okay, not really, but we want to believe

by taz

Remembering The Crack Monster

Still from Sesame Street animated short CracksStill from Sesame Street animated short 'Cracks'

Check out the mystery of Sesame Street's creepy lost short, and read along as Mefites tell tales of other kids' programming that scared the stuffing out of us.

by taz

An Unsolved Mystery

Billboard with mystery images and text

Bizarre cult? Weird geo-caching thing? Red-herring by local eccentric? Unexplained Russian girl scout artifact? Prop for a play? Art installation? Alternate reality game? Film prop? What was this bizarre billboard on the Cornish coast.

by taz

Wholly Ghost

Grab bag

mitred noro blanketmitred noro blanket by Alex "Skud" Bayley (cc by)

I need a new delightfully tedious hobby!

Can you help with this mystery photo of 1860s woman?

Live video translation by a random person, and telecom in the Faroe Islands

A star for you, and you, and you...

StarsStars by sudoaptgetupdate (cc by-nd)

Thank you, shiny MeFites, for all the great comments every day! Here are a few recent sparklers:

bonehead describes some of the challenges of search and rescue response to a large cruise ship going down in Arctic waters

citygirl on what it's like to work on a cargo ship

not that girl lays down some deep knowledge of the US men's Olympic gymnastics team

NotMyselfRightNow worked with Alvin Toffler: "He was probably the largest individual purchaser of filing cabinets in California"

What were new the hot bands in Vancouver in the 1980s? philip-random can help, because "I was doing radio there at the time. Still am."

flug bringing the amazing detective work in an AskMe about an old mystery play, David and Abigail

by taz

"Your Treen is a Loodklopper"

P1040844P1040844 by mlinksva

Too-Ticky has the answer to une_heure_pleine's mystery object Ask Me post, wherein we learn that "treen" is the "generic name for small handmade functional household objects made of wood"

by taz

"Bathrobes are the deerstalker hats of internet sleuthing" video screen capture'They made me wear my bathrobe' [screen capture from video via]

Now is the time when I am typing. I am typing on my computer doing internet things. Isn't this interesting? Cool internet things. I solved a puzzle and now people are taking pictures of me pretending to solve a puzzle. harperpitt

JannaK reports that the HLN network has produced a short video episode featuring the Ask Metafilter post requesting help with her late grandmother's coded messages, and "the true hero of this story: Metafilter's own harperpitt, her code-breaking skills, and the power of the hive mind in tackling web mysteries."

(Post title text grabbed from littlesq!)

by taz

Super! Natural!

Metamorphosis insectorum SurinamensiumMetamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium by paukrus (cc by)

Some great recent posts on the natural world:

A 17th-Century Woman Artist’s Butterfly Journey: gorgeous images and bio info on early entomologist-artist Maria Sibylla Merian

The inner life of the fig: documentary on the sycamore fig tree, focusing on the intricate mutualism between a fig tree and its fig wasp

A tree grows in Israel: an extinct Judean Date Palm is grown from an ancient jar of seeds unearthed by archaeologists

My hovercraft is full of Petromyzon marinus: science, lore, and more on the fearsome sea lamprey

Satan Put the Kettle On: the mystery of Devil's Kettle Falls' vanishing waterfall

by taz

ah ah ahh eh eh ehh oh oh ohh

vinylvinyl by suzy_yes (cc by-nc-nd)

Thanks to the work of everyone in this thread, I was able to make a positive identification of the song, order the vinyl, and have it professionally converted to digital.

The OP has updated an old thread about a 30-year-old mystery tune in Ask Me with a YouTube video of the song. Yay, team!

Looking for more musical mysteries to solve?

What's the Baby Elephant song I heard at Burning Man?

I'm trying to identify a sample from the first few minutes of this album

Loving you is . . . easy to forget? What was that song from 2008 - 2009?

Finding a song based on a music video: "a woman riding a horse and she had dramatically long hair that floated through the sky"

by taz

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