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Posts from July 2023

you will be blamed for your suffering

So, I can anecdotally compare my experiences of congenital dysautonomia and long Covid, but I have to do it along two dimensions. One is the dimension of symptoms, and the other is in terms of social and medical treatment ... DrMew speaks on long Covid, fatigue syndromes, overlapping axes of marginalization and oppression and resulting social and medical mistreatment, the "newly disabled," and more. So many excellent points here.

by taz

"All truth is profound"

Moby Dick - Herman Melville (Club français du livre, 1964)Moby Dick - Herman Melville (Club français du livre, 1964) by -ep- (cc by)

I'm reading Moby Dick. It's fun! But I'm sure I'm missing a lot. This is where you come in ... wooh is looking for good explanations and analyses for our favorite great white whale.

by taz


spamandkimchi posted Equip Me OT [Occupational Therapist] Lindsay DeLong, featuring "tips galore on using medical equipment at home, diy hacks & modifications, and recommended items for people with mobility & accessibility needs." Very excellent.

by taz

The uncertainties of trying experimental drug therapy, even for dying patients

Vaccine bottle with injection needleVaccine bottle with injection needle by wuestenigel (cc by)

Scblackman, oncologist and cancer drug developer, talks about early access to experimental drug therapy.

A Puzzling Request

Image from page 148 of Image from page 148 of "The Phynodderree, and other legends of the Isle of Man" (1882) by Internet Archive Book Images

"I already do Set, Wordle, Guess My Word, Worldle, and Spelling Bee ... Math, logic, word-based: I love them all. What else might I like?" DrGail asks Give me your daily puzzles!

by taz

"Do not fuck around with heat or it will quickly find you out"

99,1 Fahrenheit99,1 Fahrenheit by Philippe Gillotte (cc by-nc-nd)

Brandon Blatcher has an ☀️excellent☀️ set of tips for dealing with the heat, including RECOGNIZING WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE and RECOVERING FROM THIS FUCKING HELL. Good roundup.

by taz


illustration from the game: old fashioned fancy, carved wooden grandfather clock with a white face and roman numerals

"A unique puzzle for each second of the day, with lots of nice touches ..." Paul Slade posted malevolent's new Big Ben word game [via mefi projects], and mefites are comparing scores.

by taz

Like a discus

photo of the ancient Greek marble bas-relief tombstone of Aphrodisios, showing the subject standing between two pillars holding two items (a scroll, probably, and something else), with text behind and under him

Greek and Roman epitaphs can be touching. They can also, in the case of Allia Potestas, even be risqué. But they can also be horribly, incredibly embarrassing -- as in the case of Aphrodisios of Alexandria Troas ... Mefites discuss an ancient death — and odd elegy.

by taz

"Friday Flash Fun Forever"

Flashpoint logo in a red circle surrounded by two circular rows of small logos of flash-based games and software

Rhaomi posted a labor of love featuring the Flashpoint Archive preservation project with over 145,000 preserved Flash games, plus highlights, more emulators, more games, tips, background, new software and more. If you miss Flash Fridays, definitely *don't* miss this post!

by taz

Beer O'Clock on Mefi

Beers n AlesBeers n Ales by Darren Moloney (cc by)

From my personal experience brewing alone and with better brewers, these are some advantages that a home brewer can have over a big brewery ... in the Anchor Brewing Co. closure thread, Dr. Curare has a great in-depth comment on home brewing that should be fascinating even to non-aficionados.

by taz

We the undersigned ...

Art from the header at ominous image of dark blue stormy background with a disc-shaped spaceship hovering over a jagged land mass

bq has posted "Hugo, we have a problem," outlining human rights issues and protests surrounding the 2023 World Science Fiction Convention's (Worldcon) Hugo Awards.

by taz

"What do you think is in the safe?"

This week for Metatalktail Hour, the primroses were over asks about local mysteries.

by taz

The Friendly Skies?

AngerAnger (cc by)

If you're looking for objective data on incivility in public spaces, the FAA's Unruly Passenger Statistics provide a surprisingly detailed view ... I EAT TAPAS offers some crunchable numbers in dubious_dude's question about the seeming trend of people behaving badly in public.

by taz

Violent death in thousand shapes displayed

image of a Medieval map of London with Latin writing and pushpin icons marking the recorded deaths

paduasoy has posted the London Medieval Murder Map to scratch your 14th-century murders-most-foul demographics itch

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





