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Posts tagged with extreme

"Do not fuck around with heat or it will quickly find you out"

99,1 Fahrenheit99,1 Fahrenheit by Philippe Gillotte (cc by-nc-nd)

Brandon Blatcher has an ☀️excellent☀️ set of tips for dealing with the heat, including RECOGNIZING WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE and RECOVERING FROM THIS FUCKING HELL. Good roundup.

by taz

"They advised covering your face to avoid ropeburn on your nose"

Bounce Below: Giant Network of Trampolines Suspended in an Abandoned Welsh Slate Mine

On the bottom level there was a trampoline-walkway up to a trampoline spiral which goes up to the middle layer if you don't want to climb the laddery-ramp thing instead. However the laddery-ramp thing was pretty steep and had a rope with loops to hold on to, which let me pretend to be Adam West's Batman, so it was kind of a toss-up as to which was funner between the ramp and the spiral.

Mefite aubilenon reports back first hand on the newly opened "Bounce Below," a giant network of trampolines and slides mounted to the walls of an abandoned Welsh slate mine at heights of 20 to 180 feet off the ground.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





