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Posts tagged with books

the art of Penguin book covers

illustration of a white profile silhouette of a man's head filled with blackbirds on branchesCover detail from Anton Chekhov's The Kiss

Book love meets graphic design love meets collectible love in cupcakeninja's post on Greg Neville's Penguin Series Design. ❤️ 📔🐧

by taz

Time Warp Again

Photo of grey and white billowy fast-moving cloudsimage via

7 Minutes of Madness is asking for recommendations for Time-Glitch Novels. Also, 7 Minutes of Madness is asking for recommendations for Time-Glitch Novels.

by taz

For Your TO READ List

Image by AUM OER, via Flickr ( What is the best book you've read that very few other people have even heard of? Brainwane wants to know, no matter the genre or if it's fiction or nonfiction. Come share some good reading with us!

Beach Reading to Defeat the Patriarchy

underwater photo of a woman in athletic-style red cropped top and black leggings treading water, head above the water's surface and body belowFrom a photo via

In a pointed response to the sexist assumption that "books by women, about women, are more likely to be considered 'light reading,'" joannemerriam has assembled a great list of "small press books by women, about women, including Become Ungovernable, Feminism against Cisness, On Strike Against God, and 25 more."

by taz

Where Should You Put All Those Books?

Photo by Bill Smith, via Flickr (

Look, you need to get rid of at least some of those books and you know it. Luckily, cupcakeninja made a post about where to donate used books. Yes, it's ok if you read them just one more time before donating, we won't tell!

Classics done, well, not so well

Yes, this does exist. The best book covers show a visual personification of the book, matching its mood in a compelling way. But this collection of public domain book covers, posted by hurdy gurdy girl, do not do that and the results are mesmerizing in a hilarious way!


a row of illuminated hard cover books with subtly colorful book covers against a dark backgroundPhoto by shellac on Flickr

In Ask Metafilter bluloo is looking for deeply engrossing beach reads, 168 would like recs for really good book blogs, and WithWildAbandon seeks what seems to be a unicorn — "a comprehensive, continually updated list of celebrity book clubs with ALL of their monthly picks," but no answers so far. (hey, hey, anyone looking for a niche blog focus?)

by taz

Who to read in classic Whodunits?

mostly black and white illustration of a lifeless, bloody hand clutching a note, on which is printed Gaudy Night over Dorothy L. SayersBook Cover for Gaudy Night

In Ask Metafilter, azalea_chant investigates recs for golden age or other older mysteries that stand the test of time.

by taz

Just Another Manic Punday

Simple black and white 1950s style drawing of a man in a suit holding his chin and looking up while thinking, with idea or exertion rays and question marks surrounding his head

In Ask Metafilter, Phanx is seeking cookbook joke titles that are puns on classic literature, "eg ‘Loaf of Pi’ or ‘Bun day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,’" while mermaidcafe would like ideas for "Southern Slothic fiction titles." Time to put your mighty lowest-form-of-humor skills to work, everyone!

by taz

Simple Pleasures

close-up color photo of a fresh, dewy daisy against a black backgrounddetail of photo by Calebe Miranda at

nightrecordings is asking for "recommendations for memoirs and personal diaries written by people who made a conscious choice to live a more ascetic life, and in turn discover how to better appreciate simple, but meaningful, pleasures," and the Ask Me crew is coming through!

by taz

"...magic and mystery boil down to very simple universal truths and lessons..."

Photograph of a stack of booksPhoto by Steven Miller, via Flicker:

Cupcakeninja posted a link to 30 of the best fantasy novels of all time and we're drawn in by the comments. There's various opinions about what is and isn't on the list, come share your thoughts!

Choose your Throwback Thursday Adventure!

You are looking for something interesting on the internet. Do you: A. Choose a random post on MetaFilter B. Click the link for a look back on the Choose Your Own adventure book series

Best non-fiction books of the 2020s so far?

a teetering stack of hardback books with shelves of books in the backgroundCB068378 by Raoul Luoar (cc by)

clawsoon wants to know which non-fiction of the past three years you will still be recommending in 2030.

by taz


"I have never read anything like it"

an array of 14 book covers in two rowsA selection of Kathleen Sully’s novels via

"Kathleen Sully's name appears in no encyclopaedia, in no dictionary of biography, in no other survey of the English novel" ... BenAstrea posted Brad Bigelow's article "Kathleen Sully, the Vanished Novelist," a nice bit of detective work on an author who seemed to continually mystify her contemporaries.

by taz

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