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Posts tagged with Band


Bullseye - Arrow on TargetBullseye - Arrow on Target by gfdnova1 (cc by-sa)

"There is clearly very little AskMetaFilter can’t figure out": in response to an "impossible" question, not only does the first reply nail the answer, the actual subject of the query turns out to be another member, who shows up to fulfill the wish. Delightful!

by taz

Gimme All Your Love

Night-shot photo of Brittany Howard onstage dressed in a sleeveless multicolor flowy dress and black eyeglasses, playing a bright blue-green Gibson electric guitarAlabama Shakes Brittany Howard photo via

Wowzer. Rhaomi has crafted a no-stops-left-unpulled lovefest of a megapost on Alabama Shakes and Brittany Howard.

by taz

Or as his real fans call him, "Dave"

against a black background, a head and shoulders sepia-tone photo of Dave Matthews in a long-sleeved t-shirt holding a white coffee mug and looking into the camera with a serious expression

Dave Matthews: You may have opinions. You may have *strong* opinions. You may have prejudices or fond memories. But only Floydd has the Dave Matthews Toe.

by taz

Who TF does that?

Publicity still of The Association with Larry Ramos center frontThe Association, with Larry Ramos center front

Larry Ramos, that's who. 23skidoo has a great comment about Ramos' skills and background in hippybear's The Association post.

by taz

Marvelous, manic, mysterious and bemusing music on Mefi

Ley Lines II

Finnish Beer Float via kaljakellunta.orgFinnish Beer Float via

Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:

"Who Killed Captain Alex: Uganda's First Action Movie" was produced, written, directed, shot, and edited by Nabwana IGG from his home in Wakaliga, Uganda for under $200, using real blood and a modified car jack for a tripod

In Cesena, Italy, a year long-project of getting one thousand musicians to play Foo Fighter's "Learn To Fly," in an effort to convince the band to do a show in their town

The annual beer float in Helsinki, Finland just kind of happens (note to self: poss Mefi competitive sport idea?)

Malaysian schoolkids perform choral speaking, a Greek-theatre-inspired cross between spoken word and choir

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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