New site means new features, right?!

[COMMUNITY] Kirkaracha has been hard at work developing a new website for MetaFilter. If there are specific requests you have for the new site, please submit them here!

Stylishly serving you drinks and snacks

Uniforms of Germania Airline / Germany

Hey, do you like flight attendant uniforms? Well Lemkin has the post for you, which looks at a lot of uniforms from a lot of airlines. By "a lot" we mean "many" to a degree that will astound you, go ahead and look! Some might say it's too much, but ignore those people.

Oppression breeds Rebellion

Season 2 of the acclaimed science fiction series Andor is set to debut on April 22, prompting Kattullus to create a post about season 1. In the thread we talk about the show's anti fascism and Marxist outlook, along with why this particular show is among the best fiction that occurs in a galaxy far, far away.

Creatively speaking...

[COMMUNITY] This week's Free Thread wants to know all about your creativity!

Hey MeFite, can I borrow a couple of minutes from you?

Musician Tom Waits was born in 1949 and has been playing professionally since the late '60s. Those decades of performance in the age of video and tv allows us a special treat: The ability to compare and contrast Waits performing one of his signature songs, Tom Traubert's Blues, 48 years apart, in this lovely post shared by growabrain

Pets don't totally replace a partner, but...

Photo by Trish Hamme, courtesy of Flickr (

Hey, you're a single woman and that's absolutely alright, according to this study that Kitteh shared. Come for the "duh," stay for the whimsical illustrations!

Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.

MeFi seeks a Poet Laureate to create comments that are aureate

To sing praise of worldly beans or the danger of capitalist blue jeans

Alas, I can't write poetry so just pretend that you don't know me

and come on inside this MetaTalk post

(Title of post bybsome guy named Poe)

The greatest crinkly invention of all time!

Letter, legal, or tableoid? Ignore all these paltry choices, friend. A4 is all you truly need, according to this post by Thella. Plus there's a bonus!

Good writing starts with the basics

An early Tombow HOMO drawing pencil with transparent lacquer.

In the time before computers, writing tools could be considered works of art. So come read dhruva's post about the golden age of Japanese pencils and discover how true that can be.

FREE THREAD March 3, 2025

[COMMUNITY] You're going to have to make a lot of decisions this week, but lucky for you this week's Free Thread is geared towards making all of that easy!

LinkMe, March 2025

Looking for some interesting content to post on MeFi? Then browse through March's LinkMe, a collection of suggestions to get folks started on making posts!

Just make a left at garlic and everything will fine

"I built some software that lets me visualize the connections across ingredients as maps."

Honestly, if that sentence alone doesn’t get you interested enough to click on web5.0’s MeFi Project titled “Flavor maps”, then I don’t know what to say, other than you’re missing out!

Waking up to find something good

image via Flickr:

It’s morning time (somewhere) and your brain isn’t quite ready. It needs a bit of an extended warmup to get full up to speed and the news headlines are too toxic. What do you recommend to get the ol’ noggin going? Member actuallyquite is ready for your recommendations over in Ask MetaFilter, whatcha’ got?

Also in AskMe is a short question by moonmilk, where the actual creator in question shows up!

Blue Or Gold?

Ten years ago we were arguing about whether a certain dress was blue or gold, each of certain we were right.

Now chavenet has shared a look back at the incident and what we can learn about it and others when we literally see things differently.

Dumplings on legs

Photo by Christina Beckerman via Flickr (

Sciatrix knows a lot about rodents, and is more than willing to share a bit of her knowledge about Old World rats and mice!

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher





