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Posts tagged with literature

Culture loupe

Harvesting Palm SugarHarvesting Palm Sugar by edbrambley (cc by-sa)

Join Mefites for a deep dive on some arts and culture from outside the west:

Catchy song and an intro to Kriol language and culture from an Indigenous Australian singer

A new movie provides a window into the unique culture, language, and politics of multigenerational Tamil-Malaysians

Classic short story from "one of Bengal's greatest writers"

Men's fashion from a prizewinning Indian designer

Regional politics, arts and music from Sudanese and South Sudanese journalists

Good stuff, arts and whatnot edition

1960 Summer Paralympics1960 Summer Paralympics by brizzle born and bred (cc by-nd)

There has been some good stuff around lately. Hope you didn't miss the inspiring ass-kicking Paralympic athletes...

...or the "spiritual black metal blues" of Zeal and Ardor...

...or this jewelbox of an animated video from the Israeli band Jane Bordeaux....

...or this essay about literature and magic realism in contemporary China...

...or the wide-ranging playlist of music from all over Africa from the 1930s to 1960s...

...or the influential landscapes by once-neglected but newly-renowned African-American painters from Florida.

Ask Me Oddments

Bears and CodpiecesBears and Codpieces by timkelley (cc by-nd)

Bits and bobs of recent-ish quirky questions on Ask MetaFilter:

What did historical laydeez think about those codpieces?

Films that occupy that "liminal space between being a bad movie and an art movie"?

Babushka lady behaviour? Examples, real or fictional, of people acting in noticeably strange or incongruous ways during important events or crowd scenes?

I vaaant to be alone! Temporarily deserted places that usually bustle during daylight hours?

No Chuck Tingle? What is the weirdest book in the history of English literature?

Not quite myself today. Is my body composed of a different set of atoms from when I was born?

by taz

SciFi on the HiFi

Tuning InTuning In by Evans Archive (cc by-nc-nd)

Presented for your consideration, Iridic's M I N D W E B S post tunes in an historic archive of semi-dramatized readings of classic science fiction tales by some of the genre's best authors, preserved from weekly broadcasts aired by WHA Radio in Madison, Wisconsin

by taz

Break glass in case of Thanksgiving Overload

Bunny of Despair.jpgBunny of Despair.jpg by moonbird (cc by-nc-nd)

I am looking for novels in which the protagonist has been rejected by society, hates society and all it's people generally or just feels very disconnected from everything ... I like sadness, despair, bleakness, isolation and melancholy. I don't care what the story is about and I don't care how it ends...

ihaveyourfoot seeks fictional novels to help me dive head first into the abyss

by taz

Marquis rules

Us Conductors book covers

Discussed in MetaTalk: MetaFilter member Marquis (Sean Michaels) has won Canada's prestigious Giller Prize for his debut novel, "Us Conductors." (... and Ask Metafilter helped!)

by taz

Pride, Prejudice, and lunch period

Woman sleeping with Jane AustenWoman sleeping with Jane Austen by WarmSleepy (cc by)

High school is the World of Jane Austen

by mathowie

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

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