Best Of MetaFilter

Posts from January 2023

Organizing a Life

In Ask Metafilter, artisthatithaca asks How Do You Keep Track of Your Life? "I need a system! I need ... something! I've got my work and life calendar under control, but I need a place to keep all the little tidbits I notice, ideas, writing, things from books, lists of books I've read and want to read, thoughts on life, etc..."

by taz

Every day is caturday

A giant tabby cat sits on and towers over the deck of the USAV Essayons, a hopper dredge ship of the United States Army Corps of EngineersCredit: US Army Corps of Engineers/Public Domain

You are the Army Corps of Engineers. You design a cat calendar.

by taz

"need more suggestions!"

Sparton Sparton "Saguenay" Television (Model 23M4-C), circa 1960 - Advertising Postcard by Shook Photos (cc by)

We watch entirely too much TV. Help us watch more. In Ask Metafilter, paper scissors sock is looking for the crime drama and dark comedy/dramedy sweet spot.

by taz

Bubble, without toil or trouble

Bubble TeaBubble Tea by ljguitar (cc by)

All The Ways To Make Bubble Tea. Interactive bubble tea with 12,775,875 possible combinations!

by taz

Best dam 3 minutes on Youtube so far this year

"Each weekday, you receive a new task to get your living space clean, bright, and ready for the new year. Come join us for asynchronous cleaning, accountability, and conviviality": mochapickle has posted a group thread in IRL for the Apartment Therapy January Cure 2023, starting today!


Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





