Cool gifts that benefit charity
tiny frying pan is looking for fantastic physical gifts to buy that benefit charities. Go to that wonderful post to find some great options.
tiny frying pan is looking for fantastic physical gifts to buy that benefit charities. Go to that wonderful post to find some great options.
In a thread on homelessness in the US, Frowner provides some tips on how to help the unhoused.
Right person, right time, right place, right thread: Migrantology expertly answers a question about donating for legal aid to immigrants to California.
Photo by Bill Smith, via Flickr (
Look, you need to get rid of at least some of those books and you know it. Luckily, cupcakeninja made a post about where to donate used books. Yes, it's ok if you read them just one more time before donating, we won't tell!
may all your holiday wishes come true by rockinmonique
MetaFilter Cares 11th Annual Gift and Donation Drive now in Metatalk.
(Also, ps: don't miss the traditional Jingle Rock Bell sacred observance)
concept sketch of shoe art
Member rodeoclown shares an incredible story of designing custom Nike shoes along with a young diabetes patient, and the extra lengths they went to make it really great.
One "on the side" project I've been lucky enough to do was creating a special shoe for a 10-year-old boy as part of a long-running fundraiser (for the past 10+ years, Nike has worked with kids from the Doernbecher Children's Hospital here in Portland, letting them design custom shoes, actually bringing them into production, then selling and donating all proceeds to the hospital... ~$8 million dollars raised so far.)
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.