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Posts tagged with mcdonalds

Best Happy Meal EVER: The fantastic "discovery" of artist Wes Cook!

One fine day in 2003, a man stopped in a McDonald’s for a meal, but instead discovered the amazing artist, Wes Cook. Take the 20 minutes and enjoy this magical story that zig zags along on a fantastic journey, you won't be disappointed!

It's Alimentary, My Dear Watson

Cooking & EatingCooking & Eating by ☼☼Jo Zimny Photos☼☼ (cc by-nc-nd)

A digest of recent food culture posts on Mefi:

The Food Timeline, evolution of foods dating back to before 17,000BC ⏳; Maria Orosa, Filipina food technologist, chemist, humanitarian, war hero 👩🏽‍🔬; The D.C. Region Doesn’t Have Full-Time Food Critics of Color. Why That Matters 📰; Archeology of Taste is a project about childhood memories 🍭; Consider the potato: How do you prefer yours? 🥔; The Food Flow Model, a web of connections across the continental U.S. 🚚; What Makes Good Comfort Food? A LitHub conversation 🍝; The most taxing work in the kitchen is brain work 🧠Iceland’s last McDonald’s burger simply won’t rot, even after 10 years 🍔.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





