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Posts tagged with ScienceFiction

Hugo Kudos

The Calculating Stars cover detailThe Calculating Stars cover detail

All Hugo Award Winners 2019 in Fanfare, and Archive of Our Own wins the 2019 Hugo for Best Related Work in Metafilter blue. Earlier: Hugo Nominated Novelettes and Hugo Nominated Short Stories in Fanfare, and The 2019 Hugo Awards Finalists in the blue.

by taz

Hugos There?

hugo awardshugo awards by trendingtopics (cc by)

Booklovers can now keep up with discussion of current Hugo nominated books and stories in Fanfare via the Hugo Awards 2019 Club

by taz

Story Board

Reading by the fireReading by the fire by isfullofcrap (cc by)

Wobbuffet has been crushing it with wonderful posts about excellent SF/F short stories, and the latest, Some reviews & reviewers of 2018's SF/F short fiction so far, is a link-rich feast for hungry readers ... but check it out: nearly every day in July so far has been a new treat:

Three recent SF/F short stories about memories lost and found

"We are chaos. We are the teeth of dragons, shed like seeds."

Relationships unfolding in moments of realization--two SF/F stories

Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.179

Four charming and/or dryly humorous SF/F short stories

Winner of The White Review Short Story Prize for 2018

Stay tuned!

by taz

The nitty gritty

Ancient EpidavrosAncient Epidavros by AldoBergsma (cc by)

modernhypatia tells us how to approach ancient Greek theater and lysimache suggests how to get started learning ancient Greek to read the tragedies for yourself.

functionequalsform gives us the inside tips and tricks from a retail makeup artist.

none of these will bring disaster has the inside scoop on how local news programs get made.

Deoridhe offers a timeline of prominent women in science fiction to bust the myth that sci fi has always been for boys

On a post about Mefi's own Maciej Cegłowski's Antarctica essay, we hear from some Mefites who have lived at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. McMurdo not remote enough? How about a daring mid-winter rescue mission at the South Pole?

SciFi on the HiFi

Tuning InTuning In by Evans Archive (cc by-nc-nd)

Presented for your consideration, Iridic's M I N D W E B S post tunes in an historic archive of semi-dramatized readings of classic science fiction tales by some of the genre's best authors, preserved from weekly broadcasts aired by WHA Radio in Madison, Wisconsin

by taz

Futurism Past

from Y2K Aestheticfrom Y2K Aesthetic

Y2K Futurism - "An investigation into the futurism/aesthetic of the period 1996-02" on imgur

and from the turn of the previous century, afrofuturism from the past – "The Princess Steel," W. E. B. Du Bois's recently-discovered SF story.

by taz

Caution-ary Tales

sol ringsol ring by fuzzysaurus (cc by)

In a discussion of the current Hugo Award nominees, Monsieur Caution offers up a great, linkified alternative slate of personal favorites, plus points out a couple of posts on 2014 SFF that fans might want to peruse.

by taz

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