Metafilter podcast 193: What was previously my discretionary time is up!
Metafilter podcast 193: What was previously my discretionary time is up!
Metafilter podcast 192: The week between last week and this week is up!
Metafilter podcast 191: Thoroughly insinuated into the normalcy of our life is up!
Metafilter podcast 190: New Year, New Me... Fi is up!
Podcast 189: Snowperson Trauma is now up!
Podcast 188: "Big Stride Moonshot" is up! ๐ง๐๐๐ซ
Jessamyn, via
i have no idea how these people got a librarian wedged into their social media site, or why. * podcast interview with Jessamyn! (Also discussing on Metatalk)
Light At The Start Of The Tunnel by ARG_Flickr (cc by)
We're in the middle of September fundraising for Mefi, and cortex is still half-hippy, so vote with your $ because those scissors are not going to pay for themselves! Jessamyn is making sponsored posts every day this month (acquire your very own excellent certified Jess post right here), plus we're auctioning precious Mefi Blue chatfilter posts (#1, #2; see the current slate of chatfilter topics suggested, vote, and add your own topic ideas to the main thread), and we're still dreaming, so make any post on the blue about dreams or dreaming and tag it #dreamweek to add to the fun.
Jessamyn has been making sponsored posts for Mefi fundraising month, and so far we have great posts on accidental isolators, Black Monday and other days of the week, Nadia Comฤneci, guitar effects pedals, the first Black woman to visit every country in the world, how maps in the media make us more negative about migrants, and Hetty Green, the Witch of Wall Street.
Chatty Cashy, Dream Thyme, Hair No More, Super Librarian Lazy Web Posts ... Check it out! They're all part of Mefi's 2020 fundraising month.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.