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Posts tagged with recipe

If there was ever a time to overthink a plate of beans...

Vegetarian ChiliVegetarian Chili by ilovememphis (cc by-nc-nd)

Okay, folks, time to get serious now: *s wants to win the office vegetarian chili competition. Let us not fail our comrade in need!

In other news, the mythic quest for a seriously intense brownie recipe, and the dream of a for-reals healthy muffin.

by taz

'Ween Cuisine

Kryptonite candy glows under UVKryptonite candy glows under UV by Bekathwia (cc by-sa)

This is a weird question about a fantasy my son has about "cooking" with Halloween candy. For months he's been talking about making "Sweet Stew," a "recipe" he made up in which the Halloween candy is ground up in the food processor and then mixed with peanut butter. Is there any real recipe for something we can make with Halloween candy?

Is there a recipe that will use up Halloween candy?

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





