Not Built in a Day
How much do you think about ... ROME? Senatus vs. Populusque Romanus, a magnificent multi-part megalicious magnus postus from Rhaomi. Veni, Vidi, Mefi!
How much do you think about ... ROME? Senatus vs. Populusque Romanus, a magnificent multi-part megalicious magnus postus from Rhaomi. Veni, Vidi, Mefi!
You may be wary of the speed bump that is a dad joke, but JHarris's sharing of the the website and its treasure trove of Dad Jokes, will help you get over that! :)
This week, we’re moving on to themes and topics around social justice, government, policy and research. You’ll learn more about advocacy and activism — and how you can have your voice heard on issues that matter to you!
Chrysopoeia has a post presenting how different trans people are responding to state level anti trans bills in the US, including info on how to help protect Trans folks and save lives.
This is really, really important and it's part of a nasty larger trend that's beginning to emerge: Americans are losing access to government information that they previously had access to.
Actually, this raises a legitimate question: Who the hell is responsible for archiving and disseminating the activities of Congress via the web? There are a handful of agencies that could ostensibly be responsible for this, and none who actually want to step up to the plate.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.