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Posts tagged with Policy

Hey, you can't park that space station overhead

How do you deal with edge cases? Vincebowdren posted about "No Vehicles in the Park", an interesting (and short) game/quiz that looks at the difficulty of having policies that everyone agrees on.

MetaFilter Events: Week 3

This week, we’re moving on to themes and topics around social justice, government, policy and research. You’ll learn more about advocacy and activism — and how you can have your voice heard on issues that matter to you!

by taz

MetaFilter's new Privacy Policy
MetaFilter has a new formal Privacy Policy document; you can read about it here.

by cortex

Rolling out some updated site documentation
We've updated some site documentation, in particular an updated community guidelines and expectations page and some details on being aware of and avoiding common microaggressions. There's some detail in this MetaTalk post.

by cortex

Hearing from people of color in the MetaFilter community
We've been having a discussion in MetaTalk recently about negative experiences people of color have as members of the MetaFilter community and what can go better and how, and as part of trying to hear from folks better we've set up a thread specifically to make space for those thoughts from members of color. If that's you, we'd really value hearing from you, or privately via the contact form if you'd like; if you're not a person of color, it'd be good to head over there and read and not comment.

by cortex

Cafeteria Wars

Caution: School LunchCaution: School Lunch by Mike Licht, (cc by)

Some interesting insights from elsietheheel and Eyebrows McGee, among others, in the Cafeteria Wars school lunch thread. Also, isn't there a better term besides "lunch ladies"? Why, Yes, yes there is.

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





