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Posts tagged with Xmas

Gilded Advent Calendar playlist

photo of Christmas tree decoration: a robin made from string with oil gilding in 23.5 carat gold leaf and 6 carat white gold leafimage via

brachiopod posted the Gilded Advent Calendar playlist of short videos from gilder Ruth Tappin showing the creation of 24 tree ornaments as a sampler of gilding techniques. Shiny!

by taz

MetaFilter Holiday meta-gift guide

MeFi Mall!

It's that time of year, so I thought I'd help everyone's holiday shopping out by compiling a list of gift-related resources from MetaFilter.

Helping finding specific gifts is a popular request at Ask MetaFilter and here is a recent list:

If you're into giving books as gifts, the wiki also has one of the most exhaustive categorized lists of previous questions about books. Take a gander, pick a subject, and check out all the amazing old threads about the best books in any category.

Lastly, the fine folks of Ask MetaFilter also have compiled a list of all the best gift guides found online. And as always, we set aside a "mall" of all the MetaFilter members selling gifts online, sorted by category.

by mathowie

Teaching Dads 'n Guns

C.W. Billings (LOC)C.W. Billings (LOC) by The Library of Congress

MetaFilter member HuronBob got an amazing Christmas present one morning, his own rifle. He not only learned how to shoot it, but also learned what it meant to have a dad.

It was an Ithaca, single shot, lever action .22! All I had to do was throw on some boots and head for the fields across the street. Look out, rabbits! Get out of my way, crows! I'm after big game, fox, deer, elephant!

"First you have to learn how to shoot it safely."

by mathowie

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





